djj93312's Replies

That makes sense, although I didn't see any evidence of that in either cutting scene. Here's another idea: they're wrapped around a cylinder that's first wrapped with a woven textile of the same fibers. What would happen if two fibers met at 90°? That's 670 million miles per hour. Who would come after jurors except the police themselves? I say it was an act of courage. The knee on the back is what killed George Floyd. Most people don't understand this. It's not the knee on the neck, it's the knee on the back. It keeps the chest from expanding, and the victim suffocates, no bruises, no broken bones, no bleeding. The technique is called "Burke-ing", named after an innkeeper/serial killer named William Burke who killed lodgers in his inn this way and sold the bodies to doctors for dissection. If there are no witnesses, and no video, the cause of death is simply "he stopped breathing", which is technically true - and if you've been paying attention, you may have noticed that a lot of people stop breathing in police custody. Tom Beringer? Sgt. Barnes from "Platoon"? I can see it now: whenever nobody gets a question, he says in his Barnes voice, "I $h*t on all of you." Edited my comment for civility. It's a "cycler". Cyclers don't turn around. A cycler is a large ship in a solar orbit that intersects the orbits of both earth and Mars. To get to Mars, you take off in an orbital ship at exactly the right time and rendezvous with the cycler as is goes by earth. The orbiter has only enough juice to get to the cycler. Some time later, like a year or two, the cycler's orbit coincides with Mars. You get back in the orbiter and go down to Mars. Some time later, like a year or two, you fuel up the orbital ship with fuel manufactured on Mars, go back up to orbit, catch the cycler and ride it until it coincides with Earth's position. It's all got to be timed perfectly, and if you miss your window, you're screwed. They're not dropping the tanks into space. They're talking about leaving the tanks in one part of the ship that's only accessible from outside after a long and difficult EVA. There's a solar storm coming, and they have to get back to the main part of the ship and into the radiation shelter. The issue was whether to take one tank that was ready to go, or leave it with #2 and come back for both later. She was killed and ejected into space by the piece of junk slamming into the space station thing they were in. Her body was somewhere in orbit. All the recovery company would do for free was give him the bracelet that could somehow track how close she was to leaving orbit and drifting off into space, never to be found. Mainly, we see in an earlier flashback that Tae-ho felt guilty because he had told her to "go get a snack" when she bothered him while he was playing cards. She was killed because she wandered off into another part of the space station. The communication was Tae-ho asking for forgiveness, and a final goodbye. It wasn't ever really about finding her physical body. Hey, I said that first! As long as he's cuffed to Cancun Cruz and Moscow Mitch. All 535 members of Congress, all 9 Supreme Court justices, every federal appeals court justice, every state senator and representative, and all the management of every federal agency. Clean house and start over. Sure, it'd be chaotic at first, but after a couple of rounds, people might start getting the message. I think that was what happened. They tried all different ways to make her look like she "should have", and all of them were unsuccessful. For whatever reason, that sometimes happens in their world. All of the people she went to live with had the same thing happen. Makes it more realistic that way. How many times in life did you never get an answer? Ever have a car stolen? Ever see it again? Ever been wrongly accused of a crime? Did you get your apology in section A of the Sunday paper? Yeah, but: 1. Korean. No gun culture. Probably had never even touched a gun before. 2. Humanity. The thought of using deadly force had probably never even occurred to him before. Roger Stone has not been exonerated. Except that they did. And found nothing. Wow, classic projection. What your side does, you accuse the other side of doing. The right was mostly civil? Sure, apart from Mitch McConnell saying the #1 priority for the Republicans was to make sure Obama was a 1 term president. Sure, apart from hounding Obama for 8 years about his birth certificate. And "inventing conspiracy theories"? From the party of Pizzagate and the "stolen" election? Yeah, sure. No way. I remember that era. I voted for Reagan. That just didn't happen. Sure, they rejected Robert Bork for the Supreme Court, but that was because Bork fired the special prosecutor that was about to nail Nixon. The Dems were also very civil with GHWB. No, in the modern era it all started with the Repubs' treatment of the Clintons. And the left learned that from the way the Republicans treated Obama for the 8 years before that.