ItalianBuju's Replies

I think you are right. Black people are more likely to be arrested and convicted, even though crime rates are roughly the same. Black people are more often falsely convicted, historically, also. So there's that...... Um, Arbery was out jogging. The white guys were chasing him down with a truck. Jorden Peele is half white It's not any more far fetched than the fact that a whole group of kids are black belts in only a few months when that takes an average of five years. OH ok, thanks. I am terrible with names of characters and was trying to google it and everything thinking I was missing something lol Who is Donny? I am about half way into season one now and loving it! I just started watching this last night and right away wondered what is up with this. It does make for a good laugh but is not reality. I am not into Super Hero movies so I never saw Black Panther either but he was particularly amazing in Marshall and 42. Both great true stories. Have you been watching a long time? Did you see most or all these players in their original seasons? I meant to ask that. Kasyar and Tyler are my two favourites. I have loved them both since their original seasons. I cannot get over how different Kaysar looks! I hated Bayleigh in her first season and was so disgruntled to see her back. So far, this season, she is not bothering me. But I dont know if that is because she is better alone (without dumb Swaggy) or if she just hasnt been given enough air time to show her true colours yet. I was really not impressed with Memphis power trip last week and am sad that Tyler didnt try and take him out. I really wanted to like David cuz I feel like he got a shit deal last season, but so far all I see from him is the dumbs. I also like Kevin, Christmas, Enzo and Ian. But they would be second best to Kaysar or Tyler. Who are you liking and not liking? You still watching? Troll I just watched it and thought it was pretty meh, the cast was great but the pacing was not wonderful and the story was a bit dry. Troll You mean what is actually happening? It is obvious you are a troll. Some posts you are talking shit about black people, some posts you claim to be black. Go troll somewhere else...... Yeah, I used to love her in WWE. That was the whole point. She was making a point at how unfair the justice system is. Even as a lawyer, she knew that two black civilians that kill a white cop, do not have a chance in hell of beating that. How is asking black people to receive justice defying basic logic.