goldgoldgold's Replies

Maybe they did, but those explorers didn't come back either. Remember the women lost 3-4 days as soon as they stepped through the barrier. [i]Something[/i] happens to anyone that enters, instantly. With the help of kryptonite. No kryptonite for Black Panther. Black Panther has super strength, speed, and agility from the heart-shaped herb. Batman doesn't. Black Panther has vibranium armor that can't be pierced by any other substance on earth. Batman doesn't. I think the answer is clear. Don't forget shooting his girlfriend in the face, choking that woman in the herb garden, slitting the Dora's throat... I think people sympathize with Killmonger because (A) we get to see (and hear) him as an innocent child, (B) he's shown to have vulnerable moments, like when he cries over his father, and (C) he's half-right about Wakanda and the world. But he's still undeniably the villain. Not only did T'Challa's dad kill Killmonger's dad, but T'Challa lived a comfortable, privileged life as a prince while Killmonger was abandoned to struggle alone in poverty. I'm sure jealousy had a lot to do with it. How would we know? We haven't seen Infinity War yet. Yes, he drank the antidote to get rid of the herb powers he already had. But he didn't have to fight his father to become Black Panther; T'Chaka just retired. The king and the Black Panther can be two different people at the same time: That was the case before CACW. There can only be one Black Panther at a time. Before CACW, T'Chaka had already retired from being Black Panther and passed the mantel onto his son. T'Chaka drank the antidote and gave up his powers, T'Challa drank the heart-shaped herb and became super-powered. That's why he was already the panther in Civil War. [spoiler] Elisa may look human, but she's not human. She was born with gills, probably underwater, and left on the riverbank as a baby. So she may even be the female version of the exact same species as the amphibious man.[/spoiler] That's a good theory. Explains why that fire burned so long without overwhelming the rooms with smoke and killing them. He would have gone to jail anyway; he got caught by the cops. The real decent thing to do would have been to turn himself in as soon as his brother got arrested. Then why did she cross Danielle off her list the next day? How did getting hit by a bus prove that Danielle was [i]not[/i] her killer? No, he got exactly what he deserved. Yes, and I don't understand why. They could have just shown the humans enter the fortress and discover the Colonel, implying that the virus will soon take them out just like it did him. Instead, they go for the deus ex machina natural disaster. :/ Why root for the losing team? We all know how it's going to turn out. But it does count during a movie. [quote]You expect us to believe that he was so committed to recovering the money that she owed him that he would make that his top priority in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?[/quote] I don't think it was really about the money for him. He was sexually obsessed with her, like a stalker. When she died, his first reaction was, "Don't die, baby! Don't do that to me! It's all my fault!" As soon as they revealed that the father's company was responsible for the zombie plague, [spoiler]I knew that he was going to die.[/spoiler] I agree with you that it didn't make sense to lock them a car ahead, but I'm not surprised they weren't willing to let them rejoin the group. They didn't know anything about the virus (or even if it was a virus) including whether or not it takes longer to show symptoms in some people than others. Why would they want to take a chance just to keep some strangers from feeling rejected when they could make them sit in quarantine in a separate compartment at no cost to anyone?