JackBrock's Replies

Does anyone really care? As long as he disappears, who cares? I'm surprised Spacey didn't counter sue. Suing someone can be very stressful. Perhaps Spacey was exhausted but all the false claims against him and wanted to get on with his life. I'm sure the stress of being accused took years off his life. Freedom of speech is just an illusion. You can't: - Yell fire in a crowded theatre (public safety) - Lie in court (perjury) - Lie to police about issues in an active police investigation (public nuisance, accessory after the fact, obstruction of justice) - Disclose something that a court ordered sealed (obstruction of justice) - Discuss classified material (treason) - Lie about someone (defamation) - File a false police report on someone (public nuisance) - Insult the local religion (In Arab countries, this can get you in trouble) - Promote hate speech, deny the Holocaust, etc (Many western countries have laws against this) Forgive? I'd pay the man Waste of skin. Should've been an abortion Dumb as dogpoop Or gays, crippled people or anyone who wasn't pure Aryan. The Judge, or whoever decided on custody, must have wanted to keep the family together. This was (and is) standard practice if practicable. I don't believe it was stated what Darry's age is, but he seems like he was in his early twenties. As for the other questions, I don't remember the movie that well. If he's over 18, he is no longer a minor. Yeah, I know you knew. Maybe the OP is just trolling and was just trying to get a reaction. Then again, the OP could think the lawsuit is for real. There isn't any because there is no lawsuit. I was trying to be sarcastic with the rear end scratching comment and I was strictly referring to many of the posts by some celebrities. I believe my comment is quite valid, not trivial or vapid as you have mentioned. I mentioned that social platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc) <b>often</b> (not 100% of the time - as you interpreted) bring out the worst in even good people, not just the jerks. Even the most decent people can get caught up in this. Many people have commented that these social media platforms have created and increased the divisiveness in the US. While there are some good uses to these platforms, as you mentioned, there is a lot of bad uses as well. I agree with your comment about Trump. White Man's burden was a common attitude. Perhaps this is for the best. These social media platforms often bring out the worst in people. Who needs to know if some celebrity is out having dinner or scratching his rear end? I don't need to see pictures of someone's kids. How so? McCain served his country both in the military and as a politician. It sounds like you don't like the guy. Fair enough. Attacking a member of his party likely lost Trump votes though. Lord knows. He did it to John McCain a few years ago. Amber and Rollergirl high on coke together making plans together You mean 2001, not 2021. <url>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winona_Ryder</url> So according to this story, she wasn't a neighbor. That doesn't make her "an imaginary composite character created by the filmmakers to embody the rage and frustration and stunning bravery of disenfranchised People Of Color.[sic]". She was an actual witness who saw the events. I don't believe you. You are making this up. Do you have a source? The show played an actual real life audio of the woman calling the police after Dahmer molested and killed the 14 y/o who was out wandering naked in the streets, so she wasn't a composite character.