Indianna's Replies

That liar yerrygg is telling people i am a troll. I started this thread and i am confused about what exactly is going on I recently found it but thete are a lot of childish unoriginal people on here acting like they are in h. S. And ignoring certain members'posts Who are you talking about? To whom are you referring? Agreed nice deductive conclusion. But it will be lost on a fool. :D She - he never researched anything in hisher life! Lol-weird response! This was such a cute movie<3 Maybe they do and wish to remain anonymous for some reason. Neither. This year's oscars were a wash. Nocturnal animals deserved best screenplay, picture and actress for Amy Adams, not to mention art direction. And director for Tom Ford. Good call. No she believes in movies. If a film can change her mind about cosmology that is pathetic. She is unable to reason critically, so you are wasting your time. Lol. Please take off your little tin hat. You need a critical thinking course, badly. You believe in extra terrestrials and a movie can change your entire view on cosmology. You have the intelligence of a slow 12 year old at best. Good logic. Stop casting pearls before swine. How ridiculous you are. Lol! I can't think of the dullest maybe the bourne ultimatum which bored me to tears after the AWESOME car chase in marie's little red car in the Bourne Identity. I also Love all the kill bill scenes where Uma kicks ass! In fact there is an i ndian indigineous group which is matriarchal in structure and allows for the woman to take a second or third or fourth husband if her husband is not satisfying her sexual requirements. In fact if she finds her husband's brother attractive she can marry him too and divorce the first brother, or keep them both. I quite like the progressive nature of this group. I am travelling there this Spring to study the practicalities of this arrangement. It may suit my needs