TJLamb0518's Replies

Killer Klowns From Outer Space I do! I do! Oooh, I vant von too! Easy. The dozens of posters who would either 1/10 or 10/10 a movie WEEKS before it was released just so they could influence the star rating. It was shown and ADMITTED to. Actually, all the box office proves is that they cannot do with worldwide icons what their direct competition can do with B and C list heroes. And teaming them up does not help the way it should be. All the box office is showing is everything WB is doing WRONG. Since as of yesterday it is at 481 MM, I've got to think it can eek out 200 MM more before the Jedi destroys it....let's settle on maybe 700 MM, although your estimate is sadly more possible than mine now. How can WB take the JUSTICE LEAGUE and continue to miss that cash cow?? What does that S stand for? It stands for hope. Really? I thought it stood for shinola since that's what you spread. The Ackbars defending DC movies. The Ackbars again walk blindly into a trap. Will the Ackbars EVER learn? Justice League was slated to make a billion, but they lost that coveted Alderaan market they were counting on. I hate to say it, but I saw Ghostbusters 2016 and, while it's not a patch on the roginal and hardly in the same was hardly as horrible as the fanboy community was making it out to be. I don't even think X-Men work in the comics, myself. I can't see how the Thing and the Human Torch are given parades, but Jean Grey and Angel get rocks thrown at them..... Wow....there's an intelligent, cogent retort..... Then be happy I didn’t mention that he is probably is also angry that he didn’t catch that, when creating his screen name, his phone autocorrected cock for cake and now he’s stuck living a lie... of steel, BvS, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and now JL. I don’t know if I can take financial assessments from someone who can’t count to five. In your opinion. See? Like, I think you’re a deluded asshat infinitely frustrated that you’ll never know the touch of a man like you desperately crave so you lash out with impotent rage while wearing Cheeto crusted powerpuff girl underoos....but that’s just my opinion, Martha. That seems....overly pessimistic. I can see it landing around the 750 mark thanks to the foreign markets. After Ant-Man and Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, I think Marvel could actually do the FF justice. Besides who doesn't want to see a Spider-Man/Torch bromance or a Thing/Hulk fight? If DC has gotten past their growing pains, is it fair to say they grew up ugly and stupid? Marvel movies are ....let's not say "better" because you'll just have a hissy.....more widely accepted and found to be palatable. They are found so in such a degree that they still generate very large ticket sales despite this being deep, deep, deep into a shared universe in a relatively short amount of time because yes, Virginia, there is quality there. YOU don't agree. Which is fine. You're entitled your opinion. But, much like my love of the Core, you have to admit and accept that you are the cheese and you stand alone. Tell me some of those buffoons migrated over here. I miss poking kryptoforming and joby and dennis and rambo.....