Terrygg's Replies

I think having Mike help Nacho plot the murder of Hector shows how much of an asset Mike was to Guys in Breaking Bad. Mike is an ex cop who has a unique perspective on how to get away with committing crimes. It was just a suggestion. Here's another. Stop watching movies altogether. I'm reading 3 books about screenwriting and two horror novels. I watch at least two movies a week as well. Thanks for posting Fr Conway's ever vigilant support of his fellow military officers. Someone should make a biopic about him. I get tired of people criticizing Hollywood. If you don't like Hollywood then stop watching movies and start reading more books or TV shows for entertainment. What would be the point in that? I've just gotten so tired of Tom Cruise and his action movies. MI Rogue Nation was probably the best Tom can do for now. I'd like to see Tom in other genres particularly drama or comedy. I loved him in Tropic Thunder and that movie he did with Cameron Diaz...I forgot the title. [quote]and I have a question about a small scene in the future, Where is the quickest way I could get that answered?! IMDB2 or TMDB?[/quote] On tmdb, only the newest titles are active enough for you to get a quick response. Otherwise, only a select few TV shows having a cult following get the most traffic. The traffick on this site is picking up but the people are really critical of the movies and are no help whatsoever. So IMDb was really the only forum where you could be in contact with all types of posters in the discussion threads. It was kind of obvious. Just saying. I think probably not because the alien was much too close for comfort. I enjoyed the theatrical cut of the picture because it is more polished than the director's cut Everything looks good except the adult alien looks cheap. I think Ridley Scott is a fabulous director. His pictures are usually hits. First of all, Ben posts pornographic images, rarely posts on individual boards and he uses silly troll usernames. I haven't done any of those things. Secondly, Ben never ignores anyone and he spams A LOT. Not just a few thread topics. Ben would have this entire board full of nonsense thread topics. Ben also impersonates other posters. I have done none of those things. Thirdly, you don't even know your enemy and it is obvious that you're reading posting histories to stalk and gang up on people that make you angry. The thing is, it doesn't take much to set you off. You're a hot headed mean person. I read how you treated that new poster in your thread about ignoring trolls. Learn to take your own advice. One last thing before I place you on ignore. That new poster was right. We should stop bickering and start ignoring, which ironically was your advice to the board. Learn to take your own advice. Stop playing police. Stop arguing with people. Start using ignore. Stop crying because you couldn't partake in a conversation. On another note, I just read a new user being antagonized for no reason other than a false belief. Ben usually posts pornographic images and does a lot of spamming. Ben also rarely posts on the individual boards and he certainly doesn't complain about posting histories like I did. I'm not Ben. I doubt that newcomer is either. You all are running away people. That newcomer sounds legit. Instead of welcoming the newcomer, they gang up on him. That's wrong! So , I'm just going to start ignoring anyone that argues with me or says something that I don't like. You've made the list. Shakespeare was a genius and Hellman isn't. Apples and oranges. Do you even know what causes a ban? Stupid. These people are idiots. Just read their posting histories. Lol So why are you arguing with a troll? Why don't you take your own advice and USE IGNORE. Hmm? No it doesn't. Listen believe it or not, the increased traffic on this site is due to my presence. I'm interesting enough to bring in advertisers and more ppeople who want to study my posting history for ideas. I think that you ought to be nicer to me if you wanna keep up the exposure. If not, I'll leave and you'll be stuck talking to the same 5 people like you have been. So do you want more traffic or more people for you to chat with or not? If so, then support me in abolishing a feature of this site that encourages stalking and bullying. If not for posting histories and bullies and stalkers using it for harassment, IMDb would probably still have their message board for us.