Terrygg's Replies

Eat Local 3/10 A vampire counsel had their annual counsel meeting in which they hope to add a new member. This was a really terrible production. So many problems with the writing. You don't know who the hero is. The special effects are practically nonexistent. Therefore the only abilities these vampires have are speed and agility. Their eyes glow and their faces change when angry or feeding. No impressive costumes either. They wear pain ugly ordinary clothing. I honestly don't know how this film got produced. I've thought about watching Dope, but haven't gotten around to it yet. It's nice to see the good review you left for it. The Burbs was alright. I remember watching it back when I was young and had a crush on Tom Hanks. It wasn't as good as some of his other work. Dragnet will always have a special place in my heart because Hanks looked so sexy in that movie. Surprisingly Hank's performance was funnier than Dan Ackroid, who was still enjoying his ride off of being a former SNL cast member. This week I watched, Mindhorn 6/10 What can I say about this film? I really enjoyed it. It was very entertaining. It's the story of an out of work offer actor whose last successful job was playing a bionic detective named Mindhorn. Mindhorn is like a cheesy TV series with poor special effects and acting. At the beginning of the film we are introduced to the opening credits of the show. Then it jumps to 25 years later, the actors are older and have gone on to other professions except the star. He's still isn't having any luck getting any lucrative work. Then he is asked to reprise his role as Mindhorn to help the local police in a town capture a murderer because the murderer is asking for Mindhorn. The story goes from there. Usually I don't find British comedies aren't my taste but this one had fairly good writting for its budget. I was pleasantly surprised to see a cameo from Kenneth Branaugh. And saw that Ridley Scott is one of the many executive producers. I'd definitely watch this again. It's a very memorable film. The Babysitters 6/10 Starring John Leguizamo, a young Katherine Waterston's and Cynthia Nixin. I originally choose this film because I am a fan of Cynthia Nixon and John Leguizamo. The story is about a teenage girl who turns her babysitters service into an escort service. I thought it was disturbing at how far the characters went with this escort business. The climax of the film is a real shocker too. IMDb is more than a site to read movie reviews. Even still, reading user reviews is infinitely more interesting than chatting with any of the posters here. Chatting about movies is lame because the people chatting are lame. No wonder IMDb got rid of their message boards. Bye I've decided to leave anyway. This site barely has traffic. Hardly anyone wants to discuss movies and television series not just on this site but at other sites and the people that do post are annoying. I'm going back to IMDb to read what it has to offer. I was being sarcastic. I don't stalk. I think this conversation is done. I've said what I had to say. You all said what you had to say. Hopefully Jim will listen to reason and remove our posting histories from our profiles because at this rate, people aren't going to stay on this site if stalkers are allowed to access their posting history. Online forums have been turned into social media. I guess the people that disagree with me are stalkers because it is impossible for a person to avoid certain people if your posting history is on display for the public to search through and follow your posts. We should be able to choose who we want to follow us just like Facebook or Google+. Wow I've never seen so many excuses to stalk a person's posting history. One person says that stalking posting histories gives you a better understanding of that person. Why do you need to understand that much about someone unless you're targeting them for some reason? Another person says that they stalk posting histories of active posters. The ignore function doesn't stop stalking because the ignored poster can still view your posts. Everyone gets a notification when someone replies to your post and I've placed a few people on ignore and they still reply back. One guy repeatedly does it. I noticed that most of the regular posters are the troublemakers. Ironically these regs tell new members to ignore trolls but when a reg does troll behavior, they don't expect to be ignored themselves. The regs say that trolls have no lives, yet the regs are posting everyday like they don't have a life either. And regs say they don't like drama yet they are in all the threads causing drama. I think all new members should avoid this board where the regs hang out and talk shit all day and night. Once one of the regs sees a new member, they automatically start following them. I feel sorry for the new members of this site. I wish that I never came here. But since I am here, I'll use as many precautions to avoid as many of the regs on this board as possible. Yeah judging from reviews, this movie isn't popular. I think this movie has really revived interest in Goldie Hawn though. Popular magazines have featured stories about Goldie's career and family. I don't have a formula. Lmfao! Damn Hollywood and their hidden agendas. Thanks for the review. It helps. I liked Resident Evil but a lot of fans didn't. Despite their opinion, I still thoroughly enjoyed the film, especially the action sequences. I thought Alice was more of a bad ass fighter than ever. She was up against so many obstacles. There was also an explanation of Alice's origin, it really wrapped up the series quite nicely. I didn't like Underworld Blood Wars that much at all. The love story between Michael and Selene really drew me into the story. That changed with Underworld Awakenings. I would have rather had the family dynamic rather than Selena being a single mother having to protect her daughter. I have nothing against single mothers at all. I just think that that direction the story took was trying too hard to follow in Aliens footsteps with Ripley and Newt. Selena never really stuck me as a motherly figure at all and as far as I'm concerned, Selena being a mother doesn't work at all. She's a cold unemotional heroine. Watch both and see what you think. Memes are what trolls use. I'm placing you on ignore. How could you even determine if someone is an active user to begin with? It's not as if that were on display. Have you seen the trending feature on the homepage of this site? It shows all the titles that have active posts. I read the trending list to find active boards and after I watch a movie, I will usually visit its board and I oftentimes leave a post. When a new post is made to a board, that board appears among the list of trending titles. That's how you make the individual boards active. You don't need to stalk active posters around the site. Our posting histories shouldn't be on display for everyone to read. I wouldn't mind sharing my posting history with a group of friends though, like an exclusive friend's list. An friend's list would be ideal. We could follow each others posting history. What I don't want the general public following me around the site. And although I'm mindful of the fact this is a public forum, I don't want to talk to just anybody who wants to barge into my discussion with someone else because I've seen that happen. [b]TL;Dr[/b] If we were to compare this public online forum to a public place, you'd understand what I'm trying to say. Now it could be argued that online forums are not real life therefore you cannot compare the two. But keep in mind that online forums are subject to the same type of socialization as real life. And Doxxing can lead to someone having their real life in danger by physical harm or by theft. I believe that there is only a very thin line separating real life and online communities. My point is that if Jim could create a script for a friend request. If the friend request is granted, then that poster has access to your posting history. Does that sound fair enough? Again. There is a report and ignore function for you to stop spamming, flamming, harassment etc. Admin can see your posting history as a tool for upholding the TOS. So now what is your excuse? Well thank you April. I think Clint Eastwood produces some quality work. Play Misty For Me isn't the only Eastwood film that I really enjoyed. Oh I had forgotten that Cruise and Diaz costarred in two films together. No I didn't mean Vanilla Sky. I meant Knight and Day. Vanilla Sky was alright. It had some dark comedy moments. I liked Cruise in Jerry Maguire, Magnolia, The Firm, A Few Good Men, Far and Away, Interview With A Vampire and so many other dramas or drama/comedies from early in his career. I guess Tom Cruise would rather stay within the action adventure genre. And I'm stuck watching his old films. Just out of curiosity, what would you have done in that moment? What decision would you have made? When you put it that way, I feel more sympathy for Chuck than ever before. I never really liked Jimmy anyway. I didn't even like him in Breaking Bad. I always felt that Jimmy was a crooked greedy angry defense attorney taking advantage of hardened criminals. In this show we see why Jimmy decided to become a criminal defense attorney rather than going back to elder law or maybe becoming a prosecution lawyer.