katsumii's Replies

Okay, yeah, that's fair. That's funny about the airplanes spiraling vs. gliding. The average viewer has no idea. It was very dramatic. Even if they changed it to a more realistic way of handling an epic change in the electromagnetic field β€” or whatever caused the airplanes to fall β€” I still would have believed the events are natural in an already existing timeline due to naturally explainable causes. I completely agree with your last sentence. That was why I thought it was lame. It wasn't an ambiguous ending. The news reports confirmed the timing of these catastrophes very explicitly. If the ending were more ambiguous, then it would have some merit, and the rewatchability would be there, and the film would invite some stronger ongoing discussions. 🀣 Plot hole! Maybe Earth was the only other planet with life. You'd think M. Night would have addressed this, if not implicitly in the movie, then in an interview. Who knows! Great question. I don't remember it being explicitly addressed, so that's another unanswered one. But, according to my husband (who was able to pay better attention to this film than I was, as I was wrangling our baby during the movie), anyway β€” so, my husband noticed that they said that the catastrophes were triggered by their deaths. Oh, and they'd stop having their nightmarish visions if they could prevent the catastrophes from happening. But it didn't address what would happen if they let things play out as-is, without intervening. You'd think that if they knew their own death would trigger the next disaster, that they would withhold killing themselves?! Or no? I agree that the ending was weak, and that was 100% on M. Night Shyamalan. It was his written ending. He's a hopeful guy and he likes to express optimism in his scary/thriller movies. I think it was a wrong decision. Actually, the book's ending could have conveyed hopefulness, just as well, but it's not as utilitarian and optimistic as M. Night's ending. Β―\_ (ツ)_/Β― Someone else posted in this forum about the book ending, so that's my source. I agree with the OP, the ending was weak. The book ending was much stronger. In so many ways, actually! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Same, that was the reason. I guess it's still up to interpretation regardless, because while one person may say the natural disasters are simply that β€” natural, based on Earthly causes β€” someone else may say they were caused by a deity of some sort. :/ If only there were an upvote or a "kudos" button, because you deserve many for this comment. I was under the impression that M. Night had some deeper beliefs to express β€” at least, he expressed some in his 3-part Unbreakable, Glass, and Split β€” but I guess I was wrong, and he's not as deep as he thinks he is. On another note, I hope Hollywood isn't holding him back. He still has so much potential to convey some powerful messages. Oh, that's way better, lol. Way bleaker. M. Night, why change those key details, (especially the final line), and do the book injustice? Did the book at least explain their "pure love" connection to the end of the apocalypse? How is the couple/trio connected to the ending of natural disasters at all? Okay, that makes more sense. Everything you said here. πŸ’―. But also the movie has some unanswered questions that I wish M. Night would have at least addressed even subtly or even cryptically. He didn't even do that. I feel like this film has potential. There's just a lot of in-scene detail that's missing. Nice!!! Honestly? I agree. I am REALLY enjoying this show. But I was misled to think it is based on the comic books. Apparently, they are mostly nothing alike. I was wanting to read the comics especially for the humor, but now I'm really not interested since I know it won't be my genre. I'm really enjoying this sci-fi comedy genre, the characters, and the plot. So sad that they twisted the novel into a comedy. All because of Alan Tudyk. Alara is better. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― Does it redeem itself after its particularly-specific-bad-taste-era of music choices and its odd choice of "code error" in plain HTML? (Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/A5jcHhw ) 1.) Just watching this movie now, and RIP in pieces the IMDb forums. 2.) Had the same question as the OP, however β€” the first day of his β€œtrip” is cooompleeeetely relatable while on Armodafinil, which is why I'm so glad to see it mentioned here! I wouldn't dare risk overdosing on it, though, however that's just because my doctor recommends against it. Otherwise, I feel like I need/want higher doses after the highest allotted, and the highest doesn't cut it anymore, just like Bradley Coop with NZT 48. Is there more literature to the β€œsci” of this sci-fi? ?! Would appreciate some insight to the OP's question. Hey, you make a great point. I would like to explore it. I'm glad people are still watching this and posting on moviechat.org. :) I truly do appreciate the family friendliness of the Twilight Zone and it still got its β€œwarning”/skepticism messages across. >And since I'm a toy collector, I love the look on his face when I ask.. you wanna see the mystic seer and ask some questions? Or, hey you wanna check out the Gremlin on the airplane? He's starting to understand my garage is filled with treasures. That's awesome.