McQualude's Replies

Your husband has better taste than you, thank him. I'm just giving you a hard time, obviously the camera is intrusive as it's used to imply a personality is behind it and remind the audience that it's supposed to be a documentary. Same reason the vampires talk to the "crew" and constantly look into the camera. It's okay not to like it but isn't awful, it's just part of the comedy. As compared to what? I don't watch the examples you gave. The camerawork is not intrusive as in some shows and it's a mockumentary so the style fits. Besides the show has a lot of attention to detail and genuine humor. That was for the audience, Hollywood thinks we are stupid so they red circle details. I watched because of Eli Roth, his movies tend to be cruel and unfair but this was very by the numbers, competent but nothing memorable. I was entertained although I did pause it to take a phone call. I give him credit for being a decent writer, which is a dying skill these days, but he's trying too hard to appropriate other people's art for his own agenda. These young people have been told they will change the world, the hippies, Buellers, and Tyler Durdens thought they would change the world too, but they got old and distracted and the world changed them. That she does. I would give a 6/10. Sandler had poor delivery and no comedic timing but overall the show made me laugh aloud more than most other comedies I've seen lately. Plus I'm a sucker for a good murder mystery which Americans do better than anyone when we do it right and this was right. They kept the action going so we didn't have time to think too hard about the absurd bits. Did you watch it? I gave up halfway through ep3. warning, spoilers. On the whole, no. It starts good but so many people complained because it wasn't TWD all over again, and that the lead was a strong female, that they kill off the original characters (some off screen) and start over with new people and some TWD stragglers and the plot becomes driven by stupid characters doing stupid things. 10 months or whatever into the apocalypse and these people are no better at it than they were on day 1. Also S4 is really really bad and they literally spend half the season driving up and down the same road because they can't make up their mind what to do. And there is a super-villain that magically tracks them and moves faster on foot than they can drive. S4 is really dumb. S5 is better if you don't mind watching dullards haphazardly surviving the apocalypse. I miss the original characters but apparently I'm in the minority. The original theme was more serious, scarier. As said previously, based on reviews I've read the book is, "heavily fictionalized and full of medical inaccuracies." It's seems to be universally praised as well written and very entertaining, just not accurate. The TV series was definitely inaccurate based on interviews with people involved including Jaax and Jarhling. I really enjoyed S1 of The Terror until the end when it got weird. It would have worked better as a psychological thriller where the "monster" turned out to be a regular polar bear and their minds twisted it into something else. I mostly read non-fiction these days. Ah, I see. Unfortunately all the imdb-lite boards are overrun with political discussion. New boards are being created for political figures without movie or television credits, how does that play into policing trolls and being a legit movie site? It doesn't, it creates new feeding grounds. Ditch the Trump forum and all the other political figure forums and focus on movies and television. I'll hold my breath. My wife is Catholic and there are Japanese Catholics at her church. It's a time killer. Better than some seasons but not as funny as the first. You're doing that thing car salesman do where they ask what you don't like and then brush the answer aside and ask again. I've said more than once what I'd didn't like. Murray and his daughter were THE plot of s1 until pushed aside to focus on EG and suddenly there was no plot, no story. Murray went from hating her to calling her his daughter in one episode. Just shit writing.