Noirdame79's Replies

You missed the part where it is from a book by Robert Hofler that was written with the permission of Dunne's son Griffin who was also a source for the author. Too bad you can't make a living out of being a troll. Again, I said Dunne was attracted to Erik, not in love with him. The information in the article is from a book by Robert Hofler, which was written and published with the permission of Dunne's son, Griffin, who was also a source for the author. You accused me of making it up, which I did not. It's obvious that you don't want to look at the case in-depth because you wish to keep that mindset. I didn't make up anything, sorry to disappoint you. I said Dunne was attracted to Erik, not necessarily in love with him. You know the difference, right? [B]Dominick Dunne’s deeply instilled homophobia regarding his own sexual orientation influenced and played into his coverage of the Menendez trial. In 2001, Dunne wrote a letter to Erik to request a face-to-face interview in prison. He had read Erik’s many unproduced screenplays, written before the two sons committed murder, and in the letter he went on to lavish praise on the young man’s talent as a writer. “How often you come to my mind,” Dunne wrote. His fascination didn’t stop there. He also made copies of Phillip Kearney’s shirtless photograph of Erik, and on special occasions, Dunne would show the photo to guests at his country house in Hadlyme, Connecticut. “He could be a Calvin Klein model,” said the man from Vanity Fair. [i] From "Money, Murder, and Dominick Dunne: A Life in Several Acts” by Robert Hofler.[/B][/I] Oh please. The "you must be a fan girl" mantra that pro-prosecution people inevitably spout when they've either been proven wrong or have nothing to come back with. How original. Yes, you do need to watch the trial, unless you don't want to see the truth. Spouting that "a man who has affairs can't be a predator" is ignorant and outdated. Roy Rosello, formerly of Menudo, has stated that Jose committed SA on him. Leslie Abramson, Erik's attorney, did consider calling Rosello as a witness but reasoned that it would ruin his career. She was probably right. This is not new information. The late David Conn, lead prosecutor in the second trial, admitted on Larry King Live in 2003 that he was aware during the trial that there were other allegations against Jose. Dominick Dunne was biased, and attracted to Erik Menendez. He even wrote to him in prison, asking for interviews, and kept a modeling photo of Erik where he was only wearing briefs. Dunne, who was deeply closeted, projected his shame about his sexual orientation onto Erik. He was not a reliable source and paid a woman to lie in one of his articles about the case. The brothers received no money from the estate while they were free because the estate wasn't settled until after they were arrested. Their uncle, Carlos Baralt (who was the executor of the estate), stated that Jose told him that he had disinherited his sons, about a year prior to the killings. The money the brothers spent came from an insurance policy that they had no way of knowing that they would receive, and all of their purchases were approved of by their relatives. The prosecution could never prove the money motive (even the jury who convicted the brothers in the second trial didn't believe that they killed their parents for money), and the prosecution switched motives throughout the first trial. The grand jury refused to hand down an indictment stating that the killings were for financial gain because there was no evidence to support it. There were multiple witnesses who testified that the parents were abusive in many ways and who feared Jose and Kitty themselves. There was also no reason for the parents to have kept photos of their sons' private parts. I know this case very well. You evidently do not. Jose Menendez has been exposed as a predator. You can watch the full first trial on Court TV's website. The money motive was debunked, and there was corroborative evidence of abuse and that the brothers feared their parents. It's interesting to see these comments now given that the 2014 Lifetime movie also had Cathy calling him Christopher rather than Chris. In the book, it is explained that she put the children in one room because that was the only bedroom that had an adjoining bathroom, and that was far enough away so that servants wouldn't hear them from downstairs. There was also the fact that there was access to the attic so they could have more room. Also, there was a part of the grandmother that wanted to catch them doing things that she felt was sinful so that she could punish them. Maybe he didn't want to be included. Just a guess. Aren't you a day late and a dollar short? His mother was involved in drugs so he was probably around it growing up, but he didn't become a serious addict after working with Singer. Oh, so you're a parrot and a troll. Got it. Finstad has published an updated version (which I haven't read yet), but that was before Douglas died. "The Mystery Of Natalie Wood" (2004) was largely based on Finstad's book, (she was the executive producer, while Lana was co-producer),it featured an interview with one of Natalie's friends who knew about the rape (at least four more of her friends knew as well). Lana was quoted as saying around 2004 that she would name Natalie's attacker after he died. Obviously, she knew who it was at the time, just as Finstad did when she learned about it from Natalie's friends, and this was long before the #Metoo movement. Why would anyone want to frame Kirk Douglas? Again, your point being what? Or are you just being a parrot? Direct quotes (on one of the links) from one of the lead detectives is a conspiracy theory? Lana Wood did name him, so why would Finstad do it? Your point is what? As for the Jean Spangler connection, all I said is that it is possible. I posted direct quotes from his autobiography, where he admitted to grooming or preying on young girls. That isn't a red flag to you? It's obvious that you didn't even look at the links I posted. Bury your head in the sand if you want. The lead detectives NEVER cleared Wagner. They both believe he is guilty. As both have since retired, the LASD decided to throw in the in the towel, but the case is still open, and Wagner is still a person of interest. One of the retired detectives has stated that he will continue to seek justice for Natalie. Just because Wagner has not been charged does not mean that he's innocent. You can believe Robert Wagner's version of events if you choose, but he's not a trustworthy source. Natalie also paid his debts when they got together the second time. As I said, he and her daughters have benefitted the most from her money.