MovieChat Forums > Gary > Replies

Gary's Replies

-I've never heard an idea about the A Bomb opening a connection between other dimensions. It seems this is the origin of The Black Lodge. And the giant is some sort of angelic figure who combats it. It sure looks like that to me. I also thought the glass box in NYC was some sort of portal to this other dimension. -These 'woodsmen' seem to be some sort of demons. There were two in the jail with Mr. C, maybe to protect him. They sure revived him after getting shot. In lore demons are fallen angels so it might account for the prosaic language. -Can't say I know what the bug creature is. Interesting theory that the young penny girl is possibly Laura's or Coop's mother. ???? -Here's a couple of young fans with some good theories; and there are quite a few videos like this on You Tube. Thanks Kazak and Popcorn Kernel ; I anxious to hear more from Diane. She's ambivalent about Cooper, Cole and Albert. It looks like she's retired or semi retired anyway. Can you imagine what her and Cooper are going to say to one another? I'm anxious to see Audrey also. Imagine what her and Ben are going to get into. They have to find Jerry for starters. Good Lord! And it looks like Ben has to investigate one of the hotel rooms. The one Cooper was in? Andy's looking for the truck. I wonder if Hawk will go to Glastonbury Grove again. He better be careful. Here's a couple of young fans. They have covered every episode. Seems to me that Dougie is actually Dale Cooper. I don't know, but I'm guessing that he came out of the Lodge years ago in relatively good condition but presumably amnesia. Apparently he somehow got a job, married and had a child. It does seem he had a relapse, maybe because of the proximity of Bob. But he sees The Arm tell him 'Don't Die'. And when ice pick man tries to kill him he instinctively disarms the fellow and virtually twists his hand off at the behest of The Arm. I thought that would be an odd scenario. Of course that doesn't explain who the man in the Lodge who might be Cooper also looks through the curtains and sees Bob driving down the highway. :/ Typically strange state of affairs for Twin Peaks. I imagine the people who wrote 'The Machine' are miffed by 'Ex Machina'. Their robot was even named Ava, and I think it predated 'Ex Machina'. Very similar plots, the robots conspire with other robots, in the case of 'The Machine' cyborgs, against the humans. I liked both equally though. I thought that O'Ryan had zeroed in on Suspect Zero but didn't think he could stop him himself. And he had realized, also though remote viewing, that not only was Mackelway a seer also but had the means to stop SZ. O'Ryan also realized that Mackelway did not recognize his own talent, for whatever reason, and thought he could and should help him to. I'm glad they did this. I missed the David Lynch boards and apparently they archived some of that. And I used to get ideas from FG. Off the top, Gable, Welles (I agree), Bogart and Monroe. I'm not sure about that, though you could be right. I remember the other year when IMDb had their anniversary and the movie people were giving their feeling about the site. There were a lot of pros, mostly saying how useful it is if they needed to look someone up, a fellow actor etc. That's still there. I was always amazed at the volume of information there, and still am. I like their trailer feature. I regularly look at birthdays, photo galleries, Showtimes and Movie News. I do admit I don't go on there as much as before, but I still like it. For most movies I watched someone on the message board would usually address any questions I had, or someone would mention something I had missed. I miss that, and hopefully this site will replace it somewhat. I'm glad they did this. I'm a 10+ years member of IMDb and miss the message boards a bit. Actually I don't look at IMDb as much after they removed them. So this is a decent substitute. Robert Osborne gave me some indelible memories, including when he screened the Robert Mitchum movie 'His Kind of Woman'. Before the movie he interviewed Mitchum and co star Jane Russell. This was 2002 or 3 so they were in their 70's I think. He was reminding them of a few things they had forgotten, and Mitchum mentioned that another co star Vincent Price was quite the cook, making fish meals for the cast. Rest in Peace people. In the neighborhood of 6000; 70 years old, average about 1 or 2 per week for 60 years. Funny, still a favorite and one of the first I saw (at the theater), Elia Kazan's 'East of Eden'. My Mom took me, what, 9 years old. She also took me to see Hitchcock's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'. I have to say those set to table for me, so to speak. I also saw 'Vertigo' not long after that. It was a favorite, and I still like it. The most recent? 'The Family Fang'. Liked that a lot. Meanings of art and family, good subject matter. And Christopher Walken makes a couple of good, I think heartfelt, speeches about both. A couple of sites that seem to have some potential, and recommended by IMDb towards the end there are: