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Gary's Replies

I haven't seem 'The Missing Pieces' yet, but I did see a scene where Cooper greets Diane at her office door, though Diane is not shown. Cooper gets the usual 'F. Y.' from her. This 25+ prior. So I'm imagining Diane's consternation at a Blue Rose case or cases. And of course FBI work is troubling by nature. So Diane subsequently left the Bureau for an unknown future. Apparently she is single, and alcoholic. I daresay still troubled and apparently bitter about some unknown affairs. I got the feeling when Cole first contacted her, she was thinking 'not him again'. Maybe at one time she was relatively pleasant, but those days are well gone. As with Albert she has an unknown partner who is spying for her. I doubt it's Mr. C as some have theorized. And what about Las Vegas? I bet it has to do with Dougie. As with him and Audrey, I bet we see another side of Diane when all is said and done. Some people pointed out an hourglass on the fellow's desk, ostensibly her 'husband'. That could indicate a therapy session. Someone thought the phone call was actually to Ben. Could be. It would make sense if Audrey was in some kind of mental facility, considering the odd conversation. Against that I would think she would be sitting. It was odd that she didn't move at all. I agree it was good seeing her, but I'm concerned. I think Cole is going to kidnap Dougie, material witness and all that. Especially if he has Cooper's fingerprints, even backwards. :/ It certainly looks like a big finale coming up. I don't think Diane ever visited Twin Peaks, but it looks like she won't be able to resist, plus she is deputized. I wonder if Cole will kidnap Dougie and bring him there. But he might have to bring Janey E. as well knowing her. :/ They should bring Audrey to see Dougie also. She might snap out of it also. I suppose once they have Cooper back they could do a facsimile of what they did with Season 2, but it would be anticlimactic. Could you see Coop settling down with Audrey? Maybe. But I bet Frost and Lynch will be done with the story like they say. I thought a subtext of Season 2 was a tribute to Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. Leo the monster, Earle the doctor and Shelly (the only one Cole could hear clearly) the bride. Briggs going to the White Lodge was fascinating, thought he was worse for the wear. Mrs. Briggs was stoic about it, but mourning nonetheless. Annie Blackburn and Cooper was interesting and tragic of course. Cooper sure blamed himself for what happened. Quite romantic I thought. There were several writers in Season 2 so it did require some patience. But I thought it was relatively interesting, and some quite humorous. Of course Josie was another tragedy. Quite the dragon lady. Thomas Eckhardt attempting to assassinate Truman was surprising, and Harry's reaction to the affair was touching for me at least. He would have found out about Josie anyway and would have been equally hurt. Criminally insane for sure. He needs to at least be locked up, along with Red and Hutch. Mr. C sure needs to be put out of his misery. But then Bob will just take someone else I think. 'there are men coming' I would ask you, over the years did you ever think there would be a sequel? I didn't. I'm rather pleased there finally is. And I'm quite happy with whatever is presented. At any rate I find it fun to look at, just like Lynch's art, which is at least esoteric. I like his explorations of insanity as unnerving as they are. I guess it's a way of coming to terms with it. As far as Cooper, I'm imagining Lynch and Frost discussing what the effects of going to another dimension and returning would be. Maybe near total shock would be one possible one. Dougie Jones certainly seems to be in that state. Fascinating. I'm happy to have Cole and Albert back. And Diane is an enigma. I guess she wants to see Cooper as much as anyone. I'm thinking she might tell him off too. I think something not right went on between them. I'm sure there will be quite a scene at either Glastonbury Grove or Owl Cave or at the mountain mentioned (forget the name). :/ Some think the black image with the horn like protrusions is a symbol of an owl. Could be. :/ I hope it isn't. Yes, I think I'm not alone wondering who the young couple in Episode 8 are? I read someone else thinking it was Sarah and Leland, or maybe an earlier paramour of hers. Interesting that Cole had an almost magical connection with Shelly. Considering the courtesan he was with he likes lively women (to put it politely). I wonder if they will meet again? And would they both feel similar? I'm guessing yes. I always thought Audrey was not the most stable person, and considering the family it made her more unstable (to put it politely). Then to have such a bad accident and comatose, plus no telling what has happened in the interim. So I wouldn't be surprised about anything from Audrey. I bet her palms are itching all the time now. :/ I thought that Cooper told Diane most of what happened to him, and now I'm wondering if she was also privy to what happened to Chet Desmond and Sam Stanley? My guess is yes. I'm not wondering about her attitude much, quite understandable. I think she has an interesting relationship with Cooper, maybe bordering on romantic. She seems quite torn over seeing him again. Apparently she wants to a lot. Thanks, I was thinking that. - Apparently Audrey has mental problems herself. I don't blame her. I'm just imagining how she would react if she saw Cooper again, and he to her? :/ I'm reminded of something the musician Ralph Towner said about art in general, 'writing what you think the audience wants to hear is the cart before the horse'. On top of the shock Cooper will suffer guilt and blame himself for Annie Blackburn's condition (another unknown). I'm guessing he really loved her to go into the Black Lodge for her. Or again blaming himself. I prefer to think the former. People with guilt are self destructive. I might not be a typical Twin Peaks fan, but I really didn't expect anything. I read most of the Mark Frost Book 'The Secret History', and it's all about back story. Former Mayor Douglas Milford was in the military and privy to a lot of secrets. Major Briggs was referred to also. Considering Frost is the co-writer some of this has to be addressed. It seemed to me it's suggested the first nuclear test opened the Lodges to Earth. I imagine Lynch and Frost really discussed what could happen in 25 years. A lot. I like the Dougie enigma actually. It seems that Cooper had a doppelganger himself and now inhabits him. I like the little nods to the townsfolk, Dr. Jacoby, Nadine, Hawk, Andy and Lucy, even the rehabilitated Ben Horne. I'd like to see Audrey for sure. But I'm really okay with whatever parts of the story are shown. Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. Funny, Nadine's drapery store 'Run Silent, Run Drapes'. :/ I also think Lucy saw Chad put the letter in his shirt. And of course Michael Parks, who played Jean Renault, recently died. - But that is Olkewicz playing the Road House manager there. As you say he has to be a son or nephew. So I reviewed The Return again. I noticed the hooker Jade got the hotel room key from Dougie and mailed it, to The Great Northern Hotel of course. And Ben noted the room was Cooper's. Not sure how I missed it the first time. I guess the Dougie story is a bit trying for me, though it is funny. He sure took care of the diminutive hit man though! - The ringing noise in the hotel is curious. - I wondered if you really mailed a hotel room key if it would actually make it there? I'd guess a 30% chance. - I'm sure hoping to see Audrey at the hotel at least. I have 'The Return' recorded and I am reviewing it. I notice that Dougie has a hotel room key he found in his jacket. Interested to find out where it is from? - I think the fellow is quite in shock, with minimal cognizance. - Apparently he took another fellow's place? Or maybe Cooper is possessing his earthly doppelganger? I sure hope it is explained soon. I imagine Cole and co. will find everything out.