Pixanaut's Replies

I agree. (In FBI, Maggie gets into a fight with a guy and he punched her in the face, hard. She goes down. It's realistic... the only realistic fight I've seen.) The other trope is cop/cop relationships where they're dating someone else on the force. SWAT did it. The Rookie launched with it. It's kinda cringey cheap, cliched writing. Especially on The Rookie because it looks, and feels, like a significant age difference between them. Haha! Right!? It's hard to watch this actor (Tavo) here, in such a ridiculous role (TLS season 5 was really painful all around), and then watch him deliver a far better performance in Mayans M.C. with an almost as crappy story. Agreed. And that's a shame because the L&O shows always feel forgettable and interchangeable. Criminal Minds is probably the most egregious writing in the genre though... They're a team of seasoned professionals and when a new case comes up, they all stand in a circle and talk the exposition to each other as if it's everyone's first day on the job. Every. Dang. Episode. I just can't even watch it. For FBI though, something with more substance, even if it's a 'c' storyline has to happen or it'll lose modern audiences. I think you misunderstood my comment... I meant that it seemed it was patronizing TO feminism/feminists. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. Yeah. That made me cringe. It reminded me of an Adam Sadler movie... which is never a good thing. "You eat sh!t for breakfast?" I don't disagree. Left hand pulls the clutch. When the clutch is in, the rider is off the gas. Sound guys always make the bike sound like the rider is ripping through the gears to make it sound like they're going really fast... but the actors rarely ever pull the clutch. Left hand is the one to look for. (And technically the left foot is what actually shifts the gear, but usually that is out of the shot.) If these aren't moving, the rider isn't changing gears.* *that said, there are some very new bikes that CAN shift without the clutch... but definitely not the cruiser that Junior was riding. Agreed. And it came back weaker than it left. It was on the low end of mediocre when it left, and I couldn't make it through episode 2 of the second season. We totally disagree here. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I think the casting is perfect... like, every role so far has been perfectly cast. Yes! Which is a great thing! :) I never found her unattractive, but honestly, I think she's great. She's perfectly on point for the character. In fact, this is one of the best casted shows I've seen in a long, long time. They're all great. Tudyk is killing it. The guy's hilarious. Agreed. It's intentional though. Which doesn't make hearing it any easier. Ugh. It's the worst part of the show for me. Drives me nuts. I like her and she plays the character well, but the voice is just painful.