MovieChat Forums > daredevil1

daredevil1 (102)


My take on the scene at graduation ("Georgie told me") A super annoying show and the fandom is psychotic Coral (pitchfork chick) was a disgusting cunt She starts to die out of nowhere What is with him and the ice cream? The Dad/Mr. Mitchell is such an asshole Was Fletcher purposely sabotaging his own performance at the end Overly long and aggressively annoying Most annoying characters Hoo is dis bald headed demon??? View all posts >


That's funny, I don't think diseased old men and their party of crooks should be able to fabricate a case against another candidate and force it through to make him a 'felon' The thing is if he had died in a different way he probably would have been included and narratively it would've played up the 'curse' aspect. But it was ANOTHER suicide,, and it would just be repetitive to the point the audience would start to lose interest. It kind of works the way it is because they die as a set of 3, one for each act. They would have had to devote at least another 15 minutes to Chris, to get to relatively the same point they did anyway so it would seem excessive. The other thing is, while his story about being short in stature and too weak to wrestle is kind of compelling and at least different enough from the others that it would seem to warrant inclusion, I think this would just feel out of place to portray. It's the same reason why they don't get into drug and divorce angles- they want to narratively tie the movie around the central theme that Fritz was a monster who destroyed his sons, and the runt brother aspect diverges from that in an unsatisfying way. It's fine to say a movie based on real life should be completely true but that's never how it goes. They're not filming a doc so they have no obligation to complete fact, they're trying to make a 2 hour movie with a 3-act structure. Pure evil and also a complete idiot. Narcissism and idiocy are a dangerous combo. The last season was good (if not the slowest one of all) but the last few eps and the finale were terrible. Saul turns into a white knighting cuck at the very end just so the show can make a point that we already knew they headed toward for years, but took eons to get there. Yeah Hank was a racist asshole. But the "fans" of the show like to forget this because it would go against how "perfect" the show actually was, by forcing them to admit it had faults or- even worse- that hick Vince made a mistake that he likely would erase if he could do it again. Poor little pig nosed Kyle! Diaper Joe should lay off the ice cream, it'll give him the liquid shits. Self righteous know-nothing twat who speaks as if she's Einstein, what's not to hate? I haven't seen her in anything in like 10 years and I still hate her everything I have to see her in an old movie lmao. She ruined Brothers. The most annoying of brats View all replies >