MovieChat Forums > daredevil1
daredevil1 (137)
Narcissist or psychopath?
The Asian broad was super annoying
The kid is so gross looking
If Biden is pulled, was it a mistake for Trump to have done the early debate/pick Vance?
Does picking Vance hurt Trump's chance in any way?
Does this help his chances in the election?
Does it hurt Trump to have to announce his VP pick this soon?
He can eat shit
My take on the scene at graduation ("Georgie told me")
A super annoying show and the fandom is psychotic
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Bruce Timm is a self righteous arrogant little cuck prick. Pay him no mind.
Yeah, no there wasn't, but nice try. There were, however, looting and riots by uppity entitled people all throughout the summer of 2020 in the name of BLM, but let's not let that get in the way of our whine
There was blood coming out of his whatever, dammit!!
Haters gonna hate
The word is he is dropping out, perhaps as soon as this weekend and it'll be an open convention. So in that regard it was a huge mistake for Trump to have agreed to the debate imo, if they pick a new candidate who isn't Harris it will have ended up being the thing that doomed him, instead of just letting events play out with Biden getting worse.
Evil greedy scum sucking sack of shit. Worst president of all time and a degenerate piece of human garbage.
It made him look like a war hero, who will literally bleed for you/his country. Can't buy that kind of publicity, although it's inexplicable why his numbers aren't even higher/he'd be able to beat anyone the dems throw.
Good for him, although is there a reason why he waited so long to do so?
Dear god this would be a nightmare beyond imagining. Do you have inside info? Please be joking
...Yes. It's not a hoax because Trump would be crucified for it if it came out that he arranged it. Only way it works is if he's the only one who gets shot, and as you can see he would've had to entrust his life to a 20 year old dumbass.
Now in a bubble do I think politicians like Joe Biden give a shit about the lives of anyone on Earth besides his stupid family? Naw lol
Naw. No one cares. It should've been Bucky, but Feige is a woke duck who thinks he can do whatever he wants and force the public to pay for it.
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