Reality's Posts

No Kathy Griffin? C'mon Paul, show your support to a woman in need! If Justin was on fire and you had a bucket of water... I suggest starting a board war with the Get Out forums here. I'm not sure vampires and werewolves will work in the Star Wars universe. Was Qui-Gon Gin & Tonic a grey Jedi? Is Ben/Kylo in this? They made a movie of a video game? It's been three years now and still nothing! Is this canon? Were Rey's parents in this movie? Why isn't worser a word? So she is one with the Force... Where is all the discussion of this taking place? Is this from the point of view of Empire supporters? This sounds like it could be good Anyone seen this? First! Half in the Bag: Black Panther Very fun to see Joel back on the screen! How scary were those robots?