JoeMcDicksmack's Replies

I'd hit that. You are not my Negro, but you are my nigga! ─────────▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄─────── ─────▄█████████████▄──── ──▄██████████████████▄── ──████████████████████▄─ ─██████████████████████─ ─██████████████████████─ ─██████████████████████─ ──█████████▀▀▀█████████─ ──▀█████▀───────▀█████── ───▀▀███──█───█──███▀─── ───────█────▀────█────── ──────▄█▄──▀▀▀──▄█▄───── ────▄▀▀▀▄▀▀███▀▀▄▀▀▀▄─── ────█────▀▄▀─▀▄▀─▄──█─── ────█─█───█───█──█──█─── ────█─█────▀▄▀▀▀▀█──█─── ────█─█─────▄──▄██▄▄▀─── ────█─█─────▄──████───── ────███▄───▄▄▄───▄▀───── ─────▀▀█▀▀▀─▄─▀▀▀█────── ───────█────█────█────── ───────█────█────█────── ───────█▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄█────── ───────▀▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▀────── It is a requel. good riddance your mama He's now a retarded vegetable. How about an alternate ending where you shut the fuck up. Jeff, the god of biscuits. The mainland police come to investigate in Wicker Man 2. Your top five sucks dog cock. Whomever's arse it was, well, it was a damn fine one! Mad Shelia. Our country will be like that, soon. All hail Darth Trump! Chewbacca does your mom doggy style. My name is Donald Trump. I love dirty movies and slutty eastern European girls. My favorite show is The Apprentice. My favorite movie is The Birth Of A Nation. I hate muslims. Women should be in the kitchen. Kneel before Trump! Twits are people, too, you racist.