maximmm's Replies

He's had many good roles over the years - Boyz in the hood King of New York And err... these are just some of the films where his acting stood out The trailer ain't that hot. Not only does he physically look very different (still hasn't lost all that weight he's been putting on), but the acting seems pretty wooden. I think he's a great actor but.... I won't be watching this just based on the trailer alone. He read the script as said - 'fuck, this shit is even worse than Avatar - I guess I'll go back to directing 10 sequels to avatar'. lol yep - the gladiator got fat as fuck If there is season 4, I won't be watching it. I see most series which were made for 2/3 seasons getting renewed and take a major plunge in quality because the writers only had 2/3 season story arc in mind - everything that comes after that is a cash grab, unless writers get really lucky with a decent idea for a 'sequel'. True - action/comedy stars seem to stick to what they know - or they are being typecast by the studios. Speaking of Dwayne Johnson - the best acting I've seen from him was in Snitch. Well - Commando might have gone overboard a bit, even if Arnold looks like a tank ^^ They can be - sure. But if every new film/series focuses on men being saved by super females - it stinks of agenda, no? Furthermore, we've seen more than a fair share of films where women didn't even have super powers (not sci-fi) and yet could do things that only 0.01 percent of women are able to do and in a very different body frame at that - not the supermodel bodies hollywood adores. True - we should also recognize that a fairly significant percent of the blm protesters are white teens/young adults - the platinum demographic for the studios. If young white people are all turning woke, then studios have to become woke as well. We thought Picard was also going to be anti-woke but... it turns out he's old and feeble and has to be constantly saved by women. I'm thinking this will go along the same lines :) It might seem like it - but maybe it's going to be Ridney's 'surprise' and instead you'll get prometheus on steroids with ultra dumb characters :) Well - considering that the population of the US is 70 percent white.... I think it's clear we should all make all characters from hereon out gay and trans of brown color in order to help the US population connect better with their peers. ^^ This and reality shows - and perhaps a crapload of remakes/reboots/sequels from the hollywood. Trump? I thought the first one was crappy, so.... I'm not gonna bother with this one ^^ Well - some actors from STTNG did pretty well later on - Captain and the android. I think DS9 had a good cast, but yeah - none of them did much after the series ended. Enterprise had captain who was already an established star. The Vulcan chick in that one had potential - greater potential than Tuvoc actor by far - but yeah, she hasn't had much work since. I thought she was the wasn't great - hell, I didn't like most of the voyager cast. I think Tom Paris actor had potential - but the script/character development/directing screwed that up. I'd say Chakotay was played the best - with most charisma, but that wasn't enough. Jerry Ryan.... pretty but that voice+acting skills... Tuvok - he had nothing on Spock - due to subpar acting skills/voice. I do appreciate though that he is probably the biggest ST fanatic out there, as he perpetually tried to create more fan-driven ST series than any other actor from any of the ST series. All in all, this and Enterprise - are the two old series which I didn't see much of, because they were cringe-worthy. The 3 new series are better in terms of cast, but the script+extreme wokeness.... put them into the same category. Who I'm surprising this isn't you spamming another review link. Anyways, he's got Bright 2 coming up - whenever they start filming again and that should be decent. The council might be interesting - maybe. The point being, he's still got a few gems that come by from time to time - Nick Cage hasn't had a decent film in decades - and he stars in like 5 films a year. Will Smith does 1 or 2 films a year - so clearly he's still thinking a tiny bit and being selective when picking roles. Nick Cage and Eric Roberts would probably do a porno if they paid them (it's too bad, because I think Eric Roberts has better charisma - but, drugs are expensive....). Wait, so you know that subpar men are often with beautiful women, but find it difficult to buy into it when it happens in films? Agreed - he's not bad at picking films, though - yeah, none of his films are great per se. Quite a few fun films - and Will Smith does have decent charisma, so he does make fun films more fun. So, he's good at comedy roles and mindless sci-fi flicks where jokes are commonplace. If there's a need for an actor to express anger or deep sadness... pick someone else.