maximmm's Replies

Err... no. He talked big, but that's all he did. He kept talking about experimenting and wanting to do different kind of films. Yet, he made a crappy prequel trilogy, and ended up being bitter, while keep complaining how he's not allowed to experiment. If he had such great ideas, he would put his own money and make films - low budget films are not expensive to make, if you have good ideas. He has no ideas. Still - once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in another galaxy far far away, he did have good ideas and he did experiment - ever since then though, he's only been bitter after having no decent new ideas. Anyways, he made his money - let him die in peace. haha - agreed A few lengthy scenes with Stewart being topless in her undies. Otherwise, I had to fast-forward quite a bit during this film - it's slow - with lengthy scenes where nothing happens. As far as ghost films are concerned, this one was a weird one. I feel like Stewart might be in her rebellious/exploratory phase or something - the script wasn't very good, but there were a few risque scenes, and this being a film with a fuzzy plot, it could be called an 'artistic' movie. I'm gonna say that the anime version is also not for little kids. Both films feature mature themes and plenty of violence. Ah - you know, your post makes sense if you were to judge the film based on the trailer. I just saw the film - and I gotto say, the film is very different from the trailer. In fact, it's a lot closer to the actual events that took place - except that none of the events take place in Germany, and both characters are American, not Danish/Russian. Still, I'd say the film was OK - a bit slow and I had to fast-forward it a few times, but not bad overall. Nah - this is more like science-fantasy - they might as well have started using magic spells and stuff. That's the problem with hollywood these days - they spend a lot of money on special effects and very, very little money on the script itself. Pretty much every major hollywood blockbuster suffers from the same problem. Having said that, the vast majority of people are gulping it up like there's no tomorrow - so there's no reason to change the formula. I now consider myself a part of the lost generation - I don't get most of the films made today which people are raving about. In that sense, I guess you could say I don't get the new generation. I saw the anime film a long, long, long time ago. Yep, this film, much like the anime version, was far from being 'action-only', so I can understand why you may have been bored (in that sense, I imagine you may be equally bored by the anime film?). In fact, you may find the original anime film more confusing, because the story in the Hollywood remake is a bit simpler and better told in general. Meh, it's not whitewashing if they don't try to portray a white person being of different race - heavy makeup and such. In this film, they didn't do that. They simply give a Japanese brain/computer a new Caucasian-looking android body. Whitewashing is what they did with natives in the old films about cowboys/indians. I always thought that all of the anime versions had lots of style, great atmosphere - but the story was subpar. Yes, but in many films he plays a wooden character because they were designed to be wooden and it works out well - dances with wolves, the bodyguard, etc. But yes, if it's a role where he has to display another emotion of some sort, he usually fails. Having said that, he is very good at picking great films. He's got a lot of winners on his hands because of it. All in all, despite his wooden acting, he's got some real talent elsewhere. If you ever hear the story of how dances with wolves was made - you'll know what I mean. He's the one that pushed the writer to write a brilliant script - he's the one that got studios to shell out money to make it - he's the one that directed/acted in it. It was his film and it was a brilliant film - and he had similar battles with studios over a few other gems - most of them ended up being amazing. So yeah, acting-wise, he's not that great, but he's got an amazing eye for good stories and a real passion for making his projects be realized. I guess you have to take the good with bad at the end of the day. Agreed - it was a fun little film. Not a masterpiece, but as far as action adventures are concerned, it was decent enough. But yes... the white guy, who saves the whole kingdom - that will not bode well for the Chinese nationalism, so I'm not surprised this film didn't do so well in China. On a more serious note, the white guy is way too overpowered in this film. He proved himself to be a good marksman, but we didn't see a whole lot of power behind those arrow shots. Yet, the Chinese peeps shoot 20 arrows at the alien creatures and the creature walks on, Matt Damon shoots one, and the creature dies. this happened like 10 times. Also, it seemed like there was a potential for a bit of a romance subplot, yet that did not materialize, which was a bit disappointing. In that sense, the ending felt a bit meh. In the end, this film should not have cost as much as it did - it didn't feel quite as epic as it should have been. I thought it was a better film than the 2005 version. None of the crappy romancing the Kong bit, even if that bit is actually closer to the original. Minor spoiler - In fact, I wish the whole 'it saves the woman' bit was removed as well. Especially given how he rips the lizard's tongue out using the same hand he's holding the woman in and yet she doesn't get crushed. Probably the same explanation as to why Kong was big in previous films? Just because he is bigger doesn't mean the explanation is going to be any different. Southland might be better than shield - this, probably not. More and more sites close down their comments section. It all started with news sites - now it's shifting elsewhere. I have just deleted my imdb account. I do appreciate the - Oh, I do wish it also had a movie/actor database, but what can you do. I suppose I may still check on imdb from time to time if I ever need to know if some of my favorite actors/directors had any new films - but that's about it. I'd say the movie was too long for its own good. I took a few breaks while watching this film and didn't feel particularly inclined to come back to finish it during those breaks. There are some films which are longer still but keep you interested throughout - this film was not it. Agnostic or atheist here (really, I don't even know) - but I'd say that while at first it seemed like a no brainer, Japanese asking him to abandon faith after killing everyone in front of him seemed like a poor strategy. At that point, they no longer have any 'hostages' left - and his feelings, whatever they might have been, are numbed. At that point, if I were him, I wouldn't give in. Of course... stop feeding me for a week, torture me for another two, kill another 100 in my name in front of me and my mind might change. I'm noticing an interesting divide. I'm one of the people that felt that x-men: last stand was good - really good. I'll rate the first three - 1. Xmen 2. Xmen: last stand 3 X2 The rest - I can't say that I liked any of them, though I suppose I'll give thumbs up for the humor in 'deadpool'. Apocalypse should have been good, since the now ancient animated apocalypse story arc was very good, but the film version decided to mix in the 'young xmen' and that made the film on par with the rest of the crappy 'young xmen' reboots. Now that the 'old xmen' are quitting the series, I suspect that the rest of the xmen films will be filmed using the 'young xmen' crew, which is a shame. I agree with the 'overhyped' bit. Though - for me, I was expecting a major emotional impact from this film. Yet, throughout the film, I was annoyed the by 'professor x' - for me, either the writers screwed up, or Patrick Stewart overplayed the part to to a point where professor was not even a shell of professor x - but a different character altogether, without even a hint of the old self during the moments of clarity. When his character died, I felt nothing - in fact, I felt relieved - finally, that annoying character is gone. The problem is, when wolverine died, I felt very little as well. As far as xmen films are concerned, I was a lot more moved by the fan-hated X3.