Xcalat3's Replies

are you serious? Helen Mirren Jessica Lange Annette Bening Sandra Bullock those are top-tier. yeah he seemed like a very nice guy. he was also great in 99 and will be missed. R.i.p Disney and a younger cast does not inspire confidence. But I hope I'm wrong and it turns out good. No. V and VI are horrible woke trash that i watched once and never again. *insert Cartman/Kathleen Kennedy meme* LMAO! Yes eventually but i have so much stuff in my watchlist. I'll wait till all episodes are available. Good to hear i have been looking forward to this after seeing the ads on Apple TV+ /These are the same people that would worship you if you weren’t such an insufferable person./ all of this. 74% drop on Monday? wow that's insane. i think she's done with marvel after this. yeah there was a clear drop in quality writing later on. I love Elle and I also gave it a shot but i did not like this at all. R.I.P. Chandler. :( Disney listening to the backlash? Incredible really. I'm sure Disney also told Zegler to STFU while they did damage control but do wonder if they will re-write much of the story to make it less 'modern' because a year delay seems rather long. This right here. Yeah but this girl at least knows what she is doing. the poor guy you mentioned doesn't even now where he is half the time. R.I.P. for some reason i thought he was much older.