vegan_voorhees's Replies

Taylor is probably THE most engaging character on it. This is where our definitions of what a 'total bitch' differ. She gave the cat back. She didn't rip Ross a new one for his behaviour, merely - calmly - stated her position by reminding him of her reasons. A bitch move would be to stand there smiling and calling him a weak little man and continually insult his intellect, while laughing maniacally. Perhaps you can describe how she would go about explaining her reasons re: the cat in (what you think is) an un-bitchy way? You're clearly stubbornly Team Ross, I can't add anymore and, conversely, can't be convinced to think any better of him based on any of your examples. ...because people are different, I think is the only answer to not understanding why people don't like him? Like speaks to like, just as dislike does. The cat episode: She was reacting to his criticism of her situation. That was one of the more honest moments in the whole series - she wasn't nasty to him at all, she asked him if he knew what it was like to lose a parent. She didn't call him names or an insensitive a-hole, just put him on the spot and asked flat out why he couldn't accept her loopy little belief about the cat. When and how did she use her childhood trauma to get sympathy? Genuine question. All of the cast mock one another at some point: Monica's OCD, Joey's lack of intellect, Chandler's is he/isn't he sexuality - yet it's viewed as bitchy when the females do it, and a joke/banter when the men do it. That's how gender relates here. Phoebe is bitchy, but Ross's scheming is somehow ok? This sums up a lot of my thoughts on why I dislike his character: Pretty similar to the flaws I see in Ross. Also, Chandler is very bitchy. Though being a man I guess it's called witty or quippy? Never once thought Phoebe was bitchy. Why have you switched to bashing Rachel now? The show became quite lame after the first two years (once they all started demanding higher paychecks) so I've never been back to those episodes chronologically - but Ross *never* really amended his petty behaviour as far as I saw - he remained whiny and condescending throughout. Why I'm caring to debate fictional people not seen on TV for over a decade is a mystery. I'm going outside. I watched the whole ten years. Recently re-watched the first two seasons, and Ross's unending campaign to sabotage Rachel's relationships for his own gain, including brushing off Phoebe's legitimate concerns over their friendship because it stood in his way of getting Rachel - what a stand-up guy. I saw the one where the monkey escaped the other day and he was so incredibly nasty to Rachel over it and, even when she rectified the situation, he never apologised to her. I once read the shoe was created with four leads in mind - Monica, Rachel, Joey, and Ross - and that Chandler and Phoebe would be recurring, but I guess they liked Matthew Perry so much they made his main, and then decided to level that out with Phoebe as well. She was pushed aside a lot, but perhaps her character was the least 'relative' as she's kind of an outsider being a bit of a hippie, whereas the others are a bit more relatable. She was my favorite though, but I only truly loved Seasons 1&2 anyway. Ross was the one I wish was gone. Whiny, manipulative, condescending, unapologetically mean to the others (usually the women) repeatedly and yet was afforded the Romeo role. As if. It's because it was Linnea Quigley, who's a well-known B-movie scream queen of the 80s. Translation: "I am incapable of discussing my outdated views in any intelligent way, so don't bother trying to engage with them because even if I could understand the rationale I'm way too stubborn to open my mind even a fraction." Barely an episode passes without Harvey telling someone they're a POS and saying 'we're done!' before storming out. How the hell can you 'mimic' a sexuality? If it's so easy, why don't you prove it by turning gay for a week? "i hate them when they are in my movies and tv shows" Your movies? Your TV shows? Did you bankroll this movie? Write it? Direct it? Or just go to see it like everyone else? Or did you actually not bother seeing it and come here on the back of some crappy article you read that there was a 'gay subplot' to rant about it? The fact that you think something belongs 'to you' and nobody else is the root of your problem: You appear to think you're superior to other people who aren't similar to you. It was infuriatingly dense - the shark(s) would not be remotely interested in the buoy. A tiny script change that had one of them bleeding slightly could've made the world of difference. I was on the side of sharks when it came to Walter swimming away.