century_hades's Replies

I read him back in the 80's in marvel comics presents, and he showed up in the Fantastic four comics. Along with the avengers. Yeah everything has to be so political now. I just want to watch a movie of a character I use to read about as a kid, and escape reality for a couple hours. I was thinking the same thing. She shows so much compassion for M. Georgiou who is a complete monster. She ate alien slaves, and committed mass genocide. Yet Tyler who couldn't help what the Klingon's done to him is all like "screw you". Also I find it odd that a show that takes pot shots at the Trump administration would at the same time. Try to get it's audience to sympathize with mirror universe Georgiou who is basically a sadistic, psychopathic, space Hitler. I know your right. I find the excuse they give for the Defiant looking different pure B.S. It seems they want their cake and eat it too. They want to treat this series like a reboot, but market it to fans as prime universe. Then how do the writers of this show explain the drastic changes in the Klingons, and their ships? They look like a totally different species from any Klingon we've seen before? Also that is not explained in the episode, that the vessel was altered or even still in use. A viewer shouldn't have to watch the special features to have details explained to them. When they show the schematic of the Defiant any viewer is going to assume it's a schematic of when the ship was found, and not a version that has been altered. Then the writers and producers of this show have no respect for trek continuity. The Vulcans should have been seen as part of the Terran empire, and not the rebels. Like they were in the original mirror universe episode. Which they went out of their way to explain that only humans were apart of the empire, and no aliens were accepted. The writers have also stated that this show would deal with alternate versions of the Trek universe, and alternate versions of Sarek. I don't know if everyone has pieced this together yet, but Discovery does not take place in the prime trek universe. The mirror episodes just revealed that. Look at the scene were they check out the schematics of the U.S.S. Defiant constitution class that came from the future. It's design is differen't from the U.S.S. Defiant that disappeared in the Star Trek:OST episode, and reappeared in the past in the mirror universe. Which was featured in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode a mirror darkly. Also this mirror universe is a mirror of their alternate universe, and not the prime universe. So it's an alternate mirror universe to the prime mirror universe. I clicked on the link, but couldn't find the article. However I think rebooting Alien is a stupid idea right off the bat. Also recasting Ripley with a man is stupid. Even if Ripley was recast with a younger female actress the idea would be stupid. What reboot has worked out? Total Recall reboot was crap, Robocop reboot was crap, and so was the Ghostbusters reboot. I'd rather see the Alien 5 that Blomkamp's, with the original Ripley return, and have an adult Newt to carry on the torch. I watch Alien once a year I love the film so much, and man you can't replace Sigourney Weaver. Ripley is her role. Ripley is in my top five favorite female sci fi characters of all time. You are right. High ticket sales doesn't always mean a movie is good. A lot of factors is go into if a movie is a hit or not. A lot of movies that have bombed in the theatre became classic hits in the home rental market. Good one, that made me laugh. A lot of SJW's are authoritarian, and they are not just on the left. There are right wing SJW's as well. Doing things like shaming two women into shutting down their fajita truck in Seattle just because they are white. Or trying to shut down any speakers that have a different opinion at universities instead of debating them. So it's people who are against authoritarianism. You must think it's wrong for someone else to have the morale authority to tell people who they can, and can't marry? How is that any different from telling people they can or can't have a certain business they might be providing a good or service. That didn't originate from their culture? I don't find her a terrible actress, and she's not bad looking. She is a better actor than Jake Lloyd, and Hayden Christensen in my opinion. I don't mind the character of Rey ether. I just don't think the character is very well written. Kathleen Kennedy said they couldn't have a female director right now, because there were none in the business that had experience directing a big tent pole movie. Yet she gets Rian Johnson who had no experience directing a big blockbuster film. They should get Patty Jenkins the director of wonder woman. She would have been much better than Johnson, and would have done a better job with the female characters like Rey. That's an interesting article, and it makes sense. It points out a lot of plot holes. I think they're rushing these films out too fast, and it's causing the quality to suffer because of it. They should have spaced them three years apart. He was trained by Ben Kenobi to use a lightsaber, and then he was trained by Yoda in the force in ESB. He rushed off to face Vader, and got whipped. It wasn't until the ROJ he was able to defeat Vader, but then was almost destroyed by Palpatine. Until Vader turned back to the light side, and saved him. She didn't receive any because TLJ picks up immediately after the events of TFA. Besides she doesn't need to train she already beat Kylo Ren, use Jedi mind tricks, and move things with the force. She didn't receive any because TLJ picks up immediately after the events of TFA. Besides she doesn't need to train she already beat Kylo Ren, use Jedi mind tricks, and move things with the force. I agree with you about Kylo turning good at the end of 9. I was thinking the same thing as I was watching TLJ. It'll only bring out the worst in you if you let it. You can't just take it so serious, and remember that it is only movies that your debating with people. There are far worse situations in the world than fighting with other Star Wars fans. Like if you lived in some war torn country, and were starving for food. I always try to give the person I disagree with the most respectful response I can to their argument. No matter how much I might disagree with them. I've had a lot of very well mannered debates on these forums as a result. Well the answer is easy to "why does Rey need to be a girl?". She didn't have to be, but if she was a male, and the character was still written the same way. The character would still be crap, and people would still have the same questions. Why is this Rey guy so powerful with no training? When a character is so powerful, and is never in jeopardy it takes you out of the film. I'll give you a good example of male version in another film of this. xXx staring Vin Diesel (2002) I remember renting that movie, and giving the film some massive eye rolls. Vin Diesel's character is super cool, gets all the women, and clobbers all the bad guys. No one even remotely challenges in the movie. He just whips everyone butt, and he never gets a mark on him. It took me totally out of the film. That movie almost killed my interest in seeing any other Vin Diesel movies. Oh, and just one more thing. If you want a really exhaustive look at all the differen't "what ifs", and the inner working of how George Lucas, and his creative mind works. Read the book The Secret History of Star Wars: by Michael Kaminski.