Double standard judgements

Michael is willing to give M.Georgiou ,a war criminal who was about to slit her throat , a pass but she's not willing even to show an ounce of empathy for Tyler.

Empress Georgiou is nothing to her but she saved her on the bases that she is the Mirror counterpart of her beloved ex captain whose death she feels guilty for. ( it still doesn't make sense what she did my opinion it was only a script move because the writers needed the character later to move their story on).

She even suggests she should have political asylum....It's usually those persecuted by a hostile government that seek political asylum, which is not M.Georgiou's case,right?

On the other hand she feels betrayed by the man who without doubt loves her all honesty Tyler was sure he would be able to keep under control what ever was happening to him ..he wanted to go on mission with Michael because he wanted to be there to protect her .

When M.Voq started reciting the Klingon ritual prayer Voq's mind overrode Tyler's ..he couldn't do nothing to stop it.

Now that Tyler needs her most , she turns her back .


Asylum is often granted to those who are running from a hostile (to yours) government - not necessarily an unjust one.


by maximmm:
Asylum is often granted to those who are running from a hostile (to yours) government - not necessarily an unjust one.

Thanks ,I 'll edit .


Didn’t M.Georgiou develop the bio weapon that was used to kill her own troops.
How was M.Georgiou running from for political asylum, Discovery destroyed her ship, she still had a fleet of ships under her control.

I think she will use a bio weapon on the Klingons.


by TomKi

Didn’t M.Georgiou develop the bio weapon that was used to kill her own troops.
How was M.Georgiou running from for political asylum, Discovery destroyed her ship, she still had a fleet of ships under her control.

I think she will use a bio weapon on the Klingons.


Michael saving war criminal Georgiou didn't make sense and appealing to the Admiral that the Federation needed to grant her political asylum made even less sense.

The Empress explained to Sarek that in her universe the Klingons have been brought to their knees and Kronos is now merely a barren planet of dust.

Yes M.Lorca used M.Georgiou's bio weapon to kill her troops ...but I'm not so sure it was a tossic /bio weapon that caused the downfall of the Klingon Empire .. I'm incline to think that the Terran Empire found away to use some terrible mass weapon made by the Klingons themselves and used that to destroy their planet, turning it into a ....BLACKENED MASS OF DUST ... ( that's how the Empress describes Kronos).

For example an aggressive alien race could easily wipe out humanity by causing a nuclear chain reaction.

Also I don't see how Federation scientists would have the time to reproduce the Terran's bio weapon and why even go then on a secret mission to the bowels of Kronos ?

I really do think the means to destroy The Klingon Empire is actually already on Kronos ...some terrible death weapon manufactured by the Klingons themselves .


I also have problems with her ability to have empathy for mirror universe Philippa, yet she can't extend the same sentiments for war prisoner Tyler who loves her.


I was thinking the same thing. She shows so much compassion for M. Georgiou who is a complete monster. She ate alien slaves, and committed mass genocide. Yet Tyler who couldn't help what the Klingon's done to him is all like "screw you".

Also I find it odd that a show that takes pot shots at the Trump administration would at the same time. Try to get it's audience to sympathize with mirror universe Georgiou who is basically a sadistic, psychopathic, space Hitler.


@ to vicky and century_hades.

Telling Tyler that her parents had been killed by the Klingons was unfair to him.

He had gone thru hell…tortured and rape (that’s what he experienced) while in a Klingon prison for months, suffered harrowing PTSD and then found out that he was a Klingon in the body of a human with two minds.

That’s a lot to deal and come to terms with , specially on your own seeing Michael made it clear she was done with him.

What I love about Tyler is his sensitivity and vulnerability…he didn’t see it as a weakness opening up and sharing his fears with the woman he loved .

He looked so lonely in his quarters trying to remember the significant moments of his past that ultimately formed , shaped and defined him as Ash…his human identity.

It’s said that our eyes are the mirror of our soul . Well in Tyler’s you could see not only his inner pain for all that had happened but also the pain he was experiencing because Michael chose to see Voq rather than Tyler in his eyes.

She made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with him anymore but when vital intel about the Klingon home planet was needed , she came knocking on his door.

He was eager to help but when he said : “ not for you (M.Georgiou) but for you (Michael) “, she turned her head away and he ended saying . “ ..for the Federation “. She preferred to shut him off .

Her apathy and coldness in the end drove Tyler away and he chose to go live among the Klingons who will treat him at best as an amusement rather than seeing the person he loves ignore him.

She showed empathy for a war criminal that simply looked like her ex captain, she showed empathy for the Klingons that had killed her parents but she couldn’t reach out to Tyler the person that loves her and most of all needs her love.

Tyler is one of my top favourite characters on the show so , the season definitely ended on a very sad note for me.
