MovieChat Forums > maul > Replies

maul's Replies

Announcing it beforehand gives him more attention and more money, which I don't think he's opposed to. Regardless, it is absolutely a stupid concept. You should quit when you know you're in serious decline, not by some arbitrary limit. I can only imagine if Scorsese for instance stopped in such a manner, and the great films that would have been lost. I think Tarantino's best work is well behind him, but there's still the possibility of a future masterpiece. Posting here once again to acknowledge how terrible this film is, and how hilarious it is that it won Best Picture. Pure grade-A clown shit I could swear I was in the Youtube comment section with this type of conspiratorial "FAKE!!11" drivel being posted. Moviechat is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days, and that's saying something. I give him one more year, but I hope I'm wrong. Don't underestimate fanboy mentality - some people suck the corporate teat with great relish. 100%. He really needs to direct more films - hopefully Flight Risk is good. A true champion of the fight against white supremacy, don't hate the man for being ahead of his time. Season 6 is definitely the worst in a lot of ways, and the finale is particularly bad with its illogical character actions and forced ending. So bad that it essentially killed my desire to rewatch the show. Seasons 1-3 with Chuck and Jimmy's interactions are when it shined the most imo, and was its own thing. They were always going to have to go more toward the Breaking Bad route, and in Season 5 they pulled it off decently well, but the follow-through with 6 was mediocre. We never got to see the full journey from Jimmy to the guy who would casually and repeatedly suggest murder as a solution. The Kim breakup/time skip wasn't remotely sufficient - there should have been a key moment where Jimmy is a direct accomplice to a murder that suits his needs. Instead it's just "oh he's Saul now". Same thing with Nacho and Lalo's endings, both were rushed and lame. I won't even get into all my issues with the finale but for me it was the most disappointing thing since GoT's final season. Nolan's fans are basically the type of person to go on and create some lengthy explanation for some pallid song lyric. <i>"I looked up to the sun"</i> Explanation: "In this line the metaphorical analogy is that the sun represents enlightenment, and the songwriter is reaching toward it, ever-clinging to the hope of a greater future. The phrase 'looked' in particular indicates that they can visually see the blazing aura of future wisdom, but are yet unable to fully grasp it. The sun is also portrayed in ancient texts as God, and etc, ad infinitum..." The illusion of depth and intelligence for the sake of it. Like those horrific Youtube essays that jerk themselves off over the framing of a particular shot, conjuring up some obtuse commentary for the most mundane of things. This is why the "you just didn't get it" response is so popular among these types, and why they think rather shallow, easy-to-comprehend concepts are next level genius. They're not particularly smart, but these movies allow them to feel like they are... which is what they crave the most. Hell no, the grimy vintage tech is one of the best parts of the movie and its atmosphere. Questions like this make me weep for humanity. Well, Ash was basically the sole reason why everything spiraled out of control. Ripley was following protocol, and had he not defied her and let them back in the airlock, the situation could have been contained. Then of course he maliciously chose to not freeze Kane, and the rest is history. Didn't even know they were planning a trilogy - that doesn't bode well either. Would prefer a single entry by Boyle. If rumors are true and Nia DaCosta is directing it's going to be a trashfire. Anyone else get the feeling that people are posting Reddit comments word for word? If this is another "it's all in his head" thing, I'm going to be disappointed. Whether he's "forgiven" or not, it's not going to matter much when he's producing pure dreck. He was circling the drain well before the accusations. Nah she's a bitch, and she latched onto him like a parasite. You can fully understand how stupid the movie and its premise is with a single watch, as well as how shallow the characters are. The particulars of how this mess is spaghettied together is neither required nor desired. This is a movie that never needed to be seen again, nonetheless be re-released in theater. Hell, this was supposed to be a "biopic", yet we barely even know what makes Oppenheimer tick. He's brilliant (*cue chalkboard equations and brooding genius shots*)! But he's kinda a communist maybe, and you should definitely feel sorry for him losing his clearance... because he's kinda a good guy after all, maybe, and Strauss bad. 3 hours long, yet everything is so fast-paced it just skims across the surface of these characters, and they end up feeling like puppets being placed around for the sake of an already-thin plot (which was cobbled together in a way that makes it seem way more complex than it actually is). Shame, because the acting overall was quite good.