nauru-1's Replies

Season 3 was quite bizarre to me on the toxicity front actually. I'd argue it had some pretty toxic characters, males and females alike, who showed little to no remorse for their actions. And then one of the only characters who actually owned up to anything, and then some, was sympathetic and got next to no credit for valid concerns. I loved season 1 and thought season 2 still had its charms despite issues. Season 3, on the other hand, was such a disappointment. That's the name of the video concept in the link, but the point isn't really about sexuality at all but about a type of dynamic between characters who are romantically linked, which is indisputably show canon. The presumed criticism in the original post is that the show embodies a toxic idea through the Mike character being fond of Eleven because she has no other measuring stick to go by. We'll be closing in on 4 full years since they started working on season 1. July is the only release date that was ever officially announced. March/April was an early prediction that had some credibility. October 2018 was never on the table. Most people were hoping the end of that year at the earliest. It's gonna be 8. I hope it's great too of course. I'd be content with something in between season 1 and 2, the former remaining the show's best for me. It's been basically confirmed that the show will go either 4 or 5 seasons. Cool. How so? She isn't, but if she was, I don't think that would be a hindrance to what I was saying above. We will probably get some of that too. Gaten confirmed at one of his panels that he filmed some scenes with Joe Keery. Apparently with production delays and whatnot, they had enough trouble getting season 2 ready in the 15 months after season 1. They must have wanted to give themselves more breathing room. They didn't start filming until the end of April is one factor, and they have allotted a significant amount of time for post-production. I am also going with The One with the Embryos. One difference is Mike is not an experienced leading man. He's a boy who is totally in over his head when it comes to anything to do with girls. As well, the initiative he shows is actually incumbent on her providing him with a level of confidence much like he provides to her. That's not to say they will ever be on a perfectly even playing field, but I do think they complement each other with what they bring to the relationship. Mike grew up in a normal world, and so he admittedly knows more about that. El has intuition and incredible physical means as it pertains to the circumstances they find themselves in. In addition, they are both quite emotionally vulnerable and depend on each other. One good example of their dynamic is the snowball dance. El clearly doesn't know what she's doing, but Mike really doesn't either. The takeaway is that they will figure it out together, which I think is actually quite a beautiful sentiment. I actually see the biggest strength of the show as being the particular core group of characters, so not sure if I agree that a radical shift in focus would do the show well. I would have been cool with them mixing up the plot more than they did, but I wouldn't say season 2 had the same tone as season 1. Pretty sure Will likes boys, and Dustin will still have his work cut out for him trying to impress girls. I think he would have terrible to anyone associated with Max regardless, but that just added another huge prejudice to the mix. Agreed. Hopper can get quite reckless. He was in season 1 too just trying to run into the lab. That may be true, but Bob is super kind and trying to get in the kids' good books. Looks like season 2 will be out on Bluray and DVD on November 9th.