tyrannosaurus_sex's Replies

I thought it was Pink, because she scares me 2 death. Also lets not 4 get that he was able 2 restart the engine after all that water damage while everything was still wet but that is his magical audi, I didn't c the beginning of this movie yet so I dont know how modified that car was. as oppose 2 all those other times when they're just "unconventional bussinessmen" I didn't need any film 2 show just how ass hole ic they really r...lol. not da abrams trash nor the std's and later. it became the spokeslizard 4 breast cancer awareness. Couldn't he sue the jail over that and ask 4 millions???? looks more like the good ol days of talk'n trash. yea!!!! that was just 1 . probably because she was the US president and he didn't want 2 go John W booth or something. well he was the terminator in real life, I'd say yes. yes there was, he had 2 rescue the mother and child and destroy the chemical agents so he had 2 re-open the missile silo doors after remi's character closed them. The incoming missiles from that nearest destroyer ship were on its way 2 destroy all the bio weapons there. and that's the last we saw of baptista's character. no female's 2 young 4 him. no I bet his other character Ron Swanson was the inspiration. is it gonna b pay per view?? Satan, yo a misunderstood guy and I, 4 1 don't think u da devil!!!! I gotta give my vote to part 4.