MovieChat Forums > Voided > Replies

Voided's Replies

Yes. Satisfying ending, and I like the way Gus’s flaws were subtly building up to the crescendo. Nicely done. I suppose so. That’s the only thing that felt jarring to me....that a character that seemed pivotal to one of the protagonist’s just vanished. Otherwise, the show managed to be realistic in my eyes. Despite continuity in the stories, I felt that they were tonally consistent. That’s the important thing. I did like it, but it was my least favourite. They were all good. I pretty much agree with most of what you said, and I also give it 8/10. I would say All Good Canyon is probably my least favourite after one viewing. I particularly liked The Gal who got rattled and the first two segments. ...or maybe people were averse to his terrible acting in this film. Honestly, I don’t blame Furlong. It’s the film makers fault. How does the casting for a major movie get handled so badly? I was watching The Babadook recently and thinking the kid in this relatively low budget movie turns in a credible performance. The director obviously took care to cast the right actor so as not to ruin the film. I think it’s top draw Coens, but they’ve made so many great films. I’d probably put it sixth or seventh. No. I believe Mike’s surname is Timlin. I suppose they’re like the new Adam and Eve, ready to divide and spread. Interesting. Doesn’t the ending imply that Lena is a duplicate as unreliable narrator. She had that shimmer in her iris and when Kane asked if she was Lena, she didn’t answer. It’s in my top five Christmas movies, along with In Bruges. Erm....There will be blood! Even The Candyman himself admits that he isn’t real....that he only exists through myth/urban legend (writing on the wall etc). You can attribute the killings to Helen, however, she was in the hospital for a month while the baby survived. It seems to me that whilst there is a subtext about storytelling shrouding murderous deeds, ultimately you have to acknowledge a supernatural element within the literal framework of the story. 1. Mulholland Drive 2. Inland Empire 3. Lost Highway 4. Blue Velvet 5. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 1. Shadow of a doubt 2. Vertigo 3. Rear window 4. Psycho 5. Notorious 6. Strangers on a train 7. Rebecca 8. Blackmail 9. The lady vanishes 10. Frenzy I see what you mean. Why would they want to change that ending? Maybe they wanted to make the guy more sympathetic or something. What happened in the original story? Depends on whether Jill is a figment or not....doesn't it? Gilliam mentioned that it was like Kafka crossed with Walter Mitty. Sounds about right. I accept that it's harder to find good child actors (for obvious reasons), but bad acting is bad acting and it can ruin a film. I saw a clip of The Phantom Menace, the other day, and realised that film suffers from the same problem. You'd think these big budget franchises would be able to cast decent child actors.