Bubbathegut's Replies

I have to look at a giant one everyday. First POTUS to be talked about everyday! Dr Faucinstein said to take more boosters or you will die. I cant wait to get my Dictator Joe Tranny Flag. Wow! Super-Troll I am honored to finally reach this status. I have been trying since 1997. No, the US gives them money. That would be Dictator Joe. He is arming and supplying both sides. The rectum left wont complain about the deficit until Trump is President. NO Peace until Hamas is Out of power. Haha, poor Joe. 81 million votes. What about the other polluters? You dont seem to care about them. Not too surprised really, Dementia Joe is supporting both sides so he can launder money to Ukraine. But this is not the place. Take it back here https://moviechat.org/nm0874339/Donald-Trump/650dd72305dcec6c54b589d3/Trump-wasnt-impeached Trump will be The Real President soon.™ Trump is the Truth and Truth is the Trump But this is not the place. Take it back here https://moviechat.org/nm0874339/Donald-Trump/650dd72305dcec6c54b589d3/Trump-wasnt-impeached Best jif evah! But this is not the place. Take it back here https://moviechat.org/nm0874339/Donald-Trump/650dd72305dcec6c54b589d3/Trump-wasnt-impeached Build a wall around the democrats that are ruining America.