rocklyn80's Replies

Always loved him in those 70's comedies, When I bgean seeing the ads that he was going to be in a new series Goldbergs, it was the one reason I tuned in. Worked till the end, great career. "are you on the pot?" (Cable Guy) So many great comedies from the 70's The Hot Rock You are a joke, how could to applaud or criticize someone for actions that didnt exist for another 40yrs, then was no such thing as woke culture in 1978 You might as well label Michael Myers as an energy hog, did you see in 1963 when he was 6 and killed his own sister, why every light in the house was on, didn't he know about the energy crisis that was about to hit us in 1973 you cancel culure sheeple arent happy unless your whining and screaming about something someone else is doing I'd say only Cher made a good successful transition into acting, and I cant really say Im a Cher fan others might include "Babs" in this, but I'd say they only thing she was good in was Funny Girl, and even that she had to milk it into 2 films all the others from Elvis to Cardi B are just flavors of the month included to sell seats so basically, Something should be done, and I don't know what that something is, but why aren't you doing it? Dead Zone It must be their accents and a lot of protest rallies. Gone are the days of the 3 R's, replaced with Advocating 101 Fast Times, can watch it many times Ferris I saw once and felt Blah!, maybe it was that awful rendition of Twist & Shout, but it did at least bring the Beatles to a new audience High School Musical killed the genre flipping through channels when I stopped on this, thought it was supposed to be romcom, didnt expect ryan goesling to be in a musical this review seems to echo my opinion - For a film that starts with a slightly campy musical number that could alienate viewers just as easily as charm them, this romance sure makes the leap to greatness quickly. maybe I should have given it 8 mins then, but again - its my opinion of the first 5 mins he'd be warmed up left overs from Rocky Horror What Meatloaf again? Epic Movie is the only one of those I saw, but it was so bad it killed of that franchise same exact situation here, the first 5 mins was that stupid big musical number in LA traffic, that shows how bad this was gonna be 1. Sommersby (1993) 2. Black Sabbath (1963) 3. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1939) 4. One of My Wives Is Missing (1976) 5. The Addams Family (1991) 6. Changeling (2008) 7. The Stranger Within (1990) 8. Terminator 2: The Judgement Day 9. A Very Brady Sequel dirty bandanas and finger tattoos that have to spell out some sort of ying-yang Golden Slumbers When compared to what follows it Oliver Douglas. Green Acres the only sensible man in a town full of loonies Those were the best days of my life....