TandyMan's Replies

Well i've seen it and I think the hype is about right on point. I didn't care for the movie. It wasn't bad, but I didn't like it. I quite enjoyed the first half, but it never really gets to going anywhere and then it sort of becomes a greatest hits grab bag of scenes from other films. But it was pretty much exactly what the trailers promised. And it was pretty great to finally hear Wolverine talking like Wolverine and showing the violence. There still wasn't enough blood. Seriously, when you tear people apart, there is GEYSERS of blood. It ain't no little splash. It's disturbing. And I actually thought they were swearing too much. Come on now with the F bombs, this is ridiculous! I totally lost interest after the Vegas scene and watching old dying Logan stumble around like a sprinter in the special olympics wasn't very satisfying. But kudos to Jackman for acting his brains out with that stuff. They got a website just for tracking whether or not there's after credit scenes. Anyhow, I stayed for the Johnny Cash. How often do you get to listen to Cash through a cinema sound system? Let's just say Hugh Jackman as joined the ranks of action heroes alongside Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yep. This film definitely tied into Origins, a timeline now erased, it can't possibly be from the new timeline of DOFP. This was just the end of the road in the original timeline. There's totally another Wolverine still happy and alive and butting heads with Cyclops. Nope. First off, I would have had X-24 be a clone of Sabertooth. And I definitely would have had Logan live, leading the kids off to the wilds of Canada and establishing a new school for mutants and becoming the man Xavier always thought he could be. Yep. Hey, the timeline of all three Wolverine movies doesn't make sense. They're kind of all stand alones. Pretty much. She's never been in the world before. I'm sort of a Slider's fan. I only checked it out a year ago. I lost interest midway through season 2. I know from reading the old boards that it gets better, ties together, and then jumps the shark but still has something to offer, but I just stopped caring. Moreso with actors than directors. I'm so annoyed by the outspoken rants of grumpy old DeNiro that I find it ruins my enjoyment of his early great performances. Same with Streep. But when it comes to directors, the more creepy and outlandish the scandal, the more I like them. The notion of directors being genuinely scary people murdering and raping and being part of secret cults controlling the world and making films which convey hidden messages, that's just awesome. But Casey Afleck? Screw that guy. He's some kind of woman abuser. Has Johnny Depp murdered some hobos to help get into character? Maybe. That kind of thing doesn't bother me. Carmen the tranny for sure. A character that actually got me thinking, "I could date a tranny." Sadly, while I enjoyed the episode, I had the whole thing called out from the getgo. I knew he blazed that PCP, and the bell necklace around the too-good-to-be-true girl's neck was a dead give away. I thought it would be a cat though. Nobody puts bells around dogs. I was hoping though, that this would actually be the start of a redemption storyline for Cricket. But I truly loved the ending. The acceptance by the Gang of Cricket, a man they broke and dragged down to their level, was actually kind of heartwarming. Lovely actress for the girl. I remember an odd swell of negativity around this movie when it came out. People thought the premise was too silly, Hugh was not the big star he is today, and there was some backlash against Meg Ryan for what I can't remember. Just wasn't well received. There was also romcom fatigue. They were coming out left and right around this time. Was this the same year as Serendipity? What Women Want. All the McConahey ones. They were coming out a few every year around the turn of the millennium. I remember them mocking that on them silly entertainment news shows. People were sick of it The romcoms throughout the 90s were a delight. Sort of a sub-genre of film all unto themselves. This is one of the last great ones that came out. Once into the 2000s, romcoms sort of got this bitter Sex and the City vibe to them, a meanness and focus on empowered women dominating men. The taking and engineering of love rather than finding it. They just wern't fun anymore. Really damn good pilot. But pilots often are. Excellent movie atmosphere. If this show stays like this, it's canceled for sure. Way too hot for network TV. Loving this movie. It's on the Comet channel. Hot sauce. This film is as overrated as they come. Scifi fans were just thrilled to finally have an alien movie that didn't involve gun battles and exploding bodies. This one is going right in the dustbin of history. It's not going to live forever on cable. It's a dud. The ideas in the story are very cool and some ideas are just meant to be short stories. The myth of the dead drive-in is just that. A lot of them closed down in the 90s and I remember it was a big news story going around that there was only 7 still operating in the US, which was total BS. With the new technologies available, there's more drive-in theaters around than ever. Some of them huge mega screen parks with a dozen movies showing at once. They show all the same movies you can see now in the theater and everything. Um.....no? It's technically great. Really challenging weird stuff that hasn't been on tv since the 60s. But I hate it. It's confusing, too weird at times, I can't get into it. I don't really like the actors or any of the characters and the tone and atmosphere of the show creep me out and not in a good way. This is a love it or hate it show for sure. Good luck. I have no interest in this season of 100 at all. I'm only still watching cause i'm invested at this point. But that show can slow burn some times, you never know. I didn't love the first season of Expanse. Great production, kind of confusing, hard to follow and slow. I'm told from a few people that the new season is firing on all cylinders and much more focused. I was a real film nut back in the day and I had the big Blockbuster movie book before there was an IMDb or even much of an internet. If you don't know or recall, they had this massive binder like a foot thick that was basically the IMDb printed out in it. I used to track down movies I liked by writer, director or actor and it just spirals out from there. Spent all the 90s tracking down rare movies and shows that way. It was brilliant. Then the internet came along and just streamlined all that crap and now facebook puts up twenty posts a day of movies and shows you may have missed. Used to be a struggle. Anyhow, research, is my short answer. You used to have to write a money order out and mail it to some weird address and hope they mailed a movie back to you. Now you just *click* and you're streaming away. These kids today don't know how good they got it!