Maleficent's Replies

ME! πŸ˜ƒIt starts slow, but if you stick with it to the last episode, it's awesome! I have to watch the whole series again!!!πŸ’— I second that. πŸ‘πŸ‘ Exactly!! I had to watch it for several episodes to really get into it, but then I got hooked. After seeing the whole series, still don't understand all of it, but I am going to re-watch it soon because I really love it now. ❀️ OMG--the most hilarious scene so far! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love ❀️ it so much I had to re-watch it several times. Jude Law is truly priceless! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• Oh man--you totally nailed it! That's why I have to watch the whole thing over again! 😁 Amen to that--pun intended. πŸ˜‰ Glad I watched the whole thing, because it gets more interesting with each episode. The season finale left me really looking forward to the second season. 😎 Absolutely! πŸ˜ƒ I felt the same way--couldn't STAND Lenny for a long time, but I love ❀️ Jude and would literally sit and watch him stare at a wall for two hours, so I stuck it out and watched the whole series. Really glad I did--so much that I want--no--HAVE--to watch it all over, partly for the absurd yet subtle humor, and partly to understand some of it that I wasn't clear on the first time around. As much of an arrogant jerk as he seems, he does have some very good, pure and redeeming qualities and deeds that he performs. There are things about him by the end of the season that almost make up for his brash attitude, and he does slowly evolve a bit through things he experiences along the way. The ending leaves you hanging... Give it another shot--there's another season in the works. πŸ˜‡ Considering the fact that it's Jude Law as the Pope πŸ˜‡ β›ͺ️, along with the fact that I have an obsessive thing for Jude Law as ANYTHING let alone as forbidden fruit πŸ˜‹(ala Father Ralph De Bricassart in "The Thorn Birds"--yeah, I'm OLD...πŸ˜‚), I'd have to say there's not NEARLY enough nudity & even less sex to suit my fetish. ☺️But that's just me...πŸ™„πŸ˜‰πŸ˜… Same here--- they're fine on my iPhone but they come out as blank squares on my desktop PC. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :D Hi! πŸ‘‹πŸ» I think so too--might even be better eventually. So far, there are more actual people who care about movies than there are trolls--hopefully we can keep them out. πŸ™‚ Ah! I didn't know you could do that--cool! 😎 Eff him. Same here! I lurked there because they wanted too much info like F***Book to post, i.e. phone/credit card#/name/rank/serial, etc. in order to post. I do have reviews there, because I didn't have to put any personal info. This place is MUCH better! πŸ˜„ Welcome! πŸ‘‹πŸ» Nice to have you on board! πŸ˜€ Awesome! Thank you! Thought we needed a little humor... 😁Yeah, what's up with the italics? Oh! You're right! Lindsey & Sydney Greenbush! LOL! Have you ever considered how bizarre it is to be agreeing with yourself, i.e. the OP, on here? Do you talk to yourself in real life too? BTW, that whole "WWJD" bracelet thing that went on a few decades ago---yeah, well, Jesus WOULDN'T be praying for the violent crap πŸ’© you're spewing. Speaking of liars and frauds---you're not a Christian. So stop calling yourself one.