AaronSynn's Replies

Just a thought....no real evidence that it's true... Cosby's victims were mostly white women. I wonder if, back before he was famous, he was attracted to white women, but they weren't interested in a skinny black kid...possibly he developed an anger towards white women... It sucked hard. The robot suit reminded me of this thing from Buffy the Vampire Slayer... [url]http://images1.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Buffy-vs-Demon-Robot-sunnydales-dark-side-1266511_400_601.jpg[/url] There were a lot of those thermal vents going under there. Would've maybe warmed things up. I volunteer. Didn't they say the water was warm under that layer? They're called that because when they were first made, they were considered a long form of the comic strips from newspapers (which weren't always funny: Flash Gordon, Tarzan, the Phantom, etc) Why not? If the story is good, the only difference between a comic and a novel is that the pictures take the place of a novel's descriptive words. You only need to read the dialog, your eyes get the rest of the needed information from the illustrations. Comics are like a half way point between a novel and a movie/TV show. She does have a weird little birthmark high up on her left inner thigh... Wellllllll.....I ask this BECAUSE I would think it was weird of them to include something that major when over half the audience wouldn't understand why he was alive AND I wouldn't put it past them to completely disregard and fuck up the time line.... Do you think the first movie to have sound should be disregarded, just because it's a crap movie by todays standards? What I meant was, when the original Star Wars came out, most of us couldn't even comprehend HOW what we were seeing was even possible as far as the space battles and such. It was so far and beyond anything any of us had seen before, everyone was awestruck. It wasn't just a 'those are great effects' moment. Those are a dime a dozen. Peoples minds were completely blown and they left the theaters dumbfounded by what they had just seen. Maybe someone today could still get the same effect IF Star Wars was the first thing they ever watched with special effects in it.... So, when you saw King Kong, were you completely mind blown by special effects you never even knew were possible in a film? Anyone who did not see the original trilogy when they were first released can not come close to appreciating the experience the way those of us who did can. The same way that none of us here can appreciate the original King Kong the way audiences in 1933 did. At least Supergirl has the excuse of being able to do it at superspeed... It was explained in the show. She's Maureen's daughter from a previous relationship. Can't imagine it'll win any Oscars, but it was a fun couple of hours... Nope. But his brother is... So now he's basically getting ready to dowse the city with Smilex.....If he isn't the Joker, he's still one of the best Jokers we've seen....