AaronSynn's Posts

I thought Swank's character was going to be...(spoiler) This series really needed a cohesive vision and good continuity.... So was anybody else assuming Jessica Chastain was playing Emma Frost? I have been a horror fan for over 45 years...and (spoiler) Was this kid doomed from the start? (spoiler) Pretty much the only two things I really liked in the finale... On season 4 episode 1...Whatever happened to... Was it just me or was the time travel stuff.... Something about her looks.... The first close-up walker from the season finale... So....do they wander or not.... One thing I couldn't get past....(SPOILER) Thought it was...okay...slightly above 'meh'...(spoilers) The American Sargent at the beginning.... Anybody catch the nod to Creature From the Black Lagoon? Follows the pattern..... Was anybody else expecting...(spoilers) The first season with Spartacus 2.0 Kind of ironic about the actress who plays Karen... Some strange similarities in the Halloween films (spoilers)