Mubblefluggie's Replies

Hmmm.... "How 'bout it Lydia, take one for the team? [i]Mub[/i] I suspect Jimmy will call the vet, make an appointment with his new partner in crime that fills soda machines by day and steals Hummels by night, and ask a favor. Those two seem to have established a mutual respect for one another. [i]Mub[/i] I think Jimmy has found himself a new Marco. [i]Mub[/i] They sort of did this already, a Breaking Bad / Bob Newhart type ending.All the clean copies were deleted "Due to copyright infringement" , this was the only version I could find: [url][/url] [i]Mub[/i] Saul-ent green. Soylent Gene? [i]Mub[/i] "I wonder who gets to... light my fire?" Great scene, so un-Scully-like. [i]Mub[/i] X-file episodes, S5-E03 and S6-E20. The first is set in the past, where the lone gunmen come together, and meet Mulder for the first time. The second is sort of a sequel to it, Byers has the same love interest in both, Susanne Modeski, played by Signy Coleman. [url][/url] [i]Mub[/i] Might I suggest "Unusual suspects", and "Three Of A kind". [i]Mub[/i] Access to science??? Can they make the Lone Gunmen undead? Just hoping. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]Do those idiot critics still hate this show?[/quote] Probably. The only thing I know about critics, the more they hate something, the more I will like it. [i]Mub[/i] Thanks, all. That link sums it up well. I rarely watch TV, and didn't even know the series is coming up. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]No, they weren't repressing females, they are all female and they are all males.[/quote] Well put, both technically and ideologically. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]It may be disappointing but it's also not stupid. Not every plot element has to be wrapped up in a single episode. [/quote] I agree. I'll bet this gets revisited at some point, we are left hanging with the wise old woman that lived her life in isolation in the hills, and finally came out of the, um, cave. [i]Mub[/i] I'm gonna guess that it got by the censors. Maybe he spews blue blood out of his brain under duress, like getting caught in bed with another man's wife. Or it was just so damn funny, they let it slide. Censors are people, too. Seth has a history of trying to push the limits. I, for one, applaud him for that. [i]Mub[/i] You've been trying to decipher that for two months? I gave up after an hour. :) [i]Mub[/i] I don't think anyone can say "exactly" what she meant, but here's my take. 1) we first meet Lydia in this show, it is implied that she is taking Gus around to possible manufacturing possibilities, Gus likes the laundromat. "It can work". She might have meant "Dealer? Nooooo,. Manufacturer!" 2) It may have to do with his mysterious background in Chile. We don't know what that is, but she may. I'm guessing Lydia knows a lot more about Gus than we, the audience, do. Edit: Maybe Lydia is Guss's half-sister. Ya can't put any twist out of reach of these writers. PS: The series has been renewed, Yay. I just hope it airs before I'm pushing up daisies. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]Still no explanation as to who is paying Erlich's property taxes/mortgage/electric-Internet bills while he will be indefinitely out of the show. [/quote] The only one with any money in the house is Jin Yang, maybe he will cover expenses until he somehow ends up owning the house. Jin Yang ain't dumb, and hates Erlich. Another funny thing about S4E9 was when Jin Yang dropped Erlich at the airport, he heaves the bag onto the sidewalk with cigarette in mouth, "Special occasion", getting rid of Erlich. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]Dead, but not necessarily done with the show. [/quote] What are you saying? Jimmy will go into deep thought, close his eyes, the screen will get all wavy, and there's Chuck as a ghost in nothing but his tighty whiteys giving him the brotherly advice Jimmy so much wants to hear? :) Sorry for painting that picture in anyone's head, creeps me out too. [i]Mub[/i] keybored: [quote] Wouldn't the meter itself require a small amount to work in the first place? [/quote] They do, but it is minuscule. I honestly don't know if this draw is before or after the measurement, are we paying for the privilege of spinning the meter, or is it on the electric company? Either way, the voltage coil in there is almost a pure inductive load, and without getting into AC theory, the real power used is almost zero. [quote]Maybe it really was NOT moving but was Chuck's mental-breakdown-induced imagination LOL [/quote] I like your answer better than mine. Edit: HTML is wacky on here. [i]Mub[/i] He shut off all the breakers, so unless there is another breaker panel he forgot about (out back in a tool shed or something), the answer would be "Nothing wired legally according to the NEC". Everything has to go through overload interrupters (breakers). Whatever this hypothetical load was, it was a pretty good draw to spin the meter like that, I would guess a few hundred watts. Maybe it will be explained next season, that one of Chuck's space blanket staples penetrated the wiring. Absurd, but they will write whatever they want. [i]Mub[/i]