krl97a's Posts

Biden staffers raising money to bail out arrested rioters. Black Minneapolis woman is distraught over her neighborhood being destroyed by the riots; Interview. An SUV plows through a massed group of police in Buffalo, NY and speeds off, apparently injuring some. Pres. Trump visited historic St. John's church, set on fire last night by violent mob, in a powerful symbolic gesture. Brutal video. Man attacked by leftist rioters in Portland, kicked in the head while lying prone, has teeth knocked out. Democrats: You don't have a right to go to church but you're free to assemble in mobs to block traffic and riot. Lone white kid in MAGA hat attacked by huge, mostly black mob of dozens of rioters; female cop dragged and beaten. With CNN and other media lying about the riots, you need to find alternative sources to follow what's happening. CNN's Brian Stelter FACEPLANTS BIG: kept denying DC's St. John's church was on fire even as Fox News showed it burning. Democrat traitors STILL praising rioting "protesters"; liberal celebrities raising money to bail out arrested thugs. Democratic Party PRAISES RIOTS; tweeted May 30: "Riots are an integral part of this country’s march towards progress." Leftist riots killed "at least several more" people this weekend; 4,400 arrested; countless injured. ABC News analysis: NO spike in Chinese virus in first 21 states to begin reopening. BLM mob of looters STONES lone white guy defending a business; savagely kicks and beats him on the ground. BLM is a terrorist movement. And Twitter just changed its bio to read "#Blacklivesmatter", endorsing it. To those who support the "protests": Do these cases make you want to demonstrate? GOOD NEWS. The first manned orbital American space flight since 2011 is a success. This is what you get with dickless liberal Democrats running cities. The leftist mob unleashed attacking America. INSANE BIAS: History of psychotic tweets from the Twitter employee who "fact checked" the President. Cuomo laughing loudly at a man's death: Video.