not_a_virus.exe's Replies

Nah, I'd say Harry Potter or the dark knight trilogy. Back when studios weren't afraid to remain loyal to the books they were tasked with adapting. After 2012 is when we started seeing woke inserting itself into absolutely everything. Man I miss the days prior to the 10s. Nah, I feeling making A Train the BLM supporter was just a ruse to turn him into a murderer, only to then get exiled from his family. Similar to how BLM thinks they're on the right side of history, only to become their own worst enemy when they start looting and rioting. The metaphor worked perfectly. Also blue bird making the claim that black neighborhoods are more policed because there's more crime being committed, is a fact and its refreshing to see a character point it out. Soldier Boy being a dinosaur doesn't really suggest anything about his character. He spoke highly of a certain POC I can't remember who it was, but he wasn't a racist. He was just a man of his time. MM calling him a racist was admittedly an eye roll moment for me. Thats not something a level-headed dude like MM would say. Soldier Boy killing his family wasn't done because he was black, it was a wrong place wrong time situation. So that passed me off a bit. In regards to the homelander and starlight fans, I didn't see either of them as representing Republicans or democrats. They both looked pretty normal to me. No blue bangs, no nose piercings, no black lipstick or overweight obese people. They all looked pretty neutral. The kimoko thing is true though. Her DNA is different than Hugh's. They needed her because she didn't rely on V to have her powers, she needed V to get them back. Theres no danger involved. With Huey its different because taking V when his body clearly isn't supposed to have it, can jeopardize his life. His need to help out as a hero is infact pretty selfish when he knows there's a chance it could kill him. Damn sounds way better than what we got in the show. Why on earth would they make a change like this? It doesn't feel like it couldn't have worked in the show. Nothing contradicted anything from the sounds of it. I loved season 3 up until the finale and completely agree. Butcher isn't the kind of dude that wouldn't sacrifice a kid if it meant killing the greatest threat to humanity. He's too pragmatic for that. The moment he stepped in, and then looked at homelander like "yeah were a team now but not best buds so let's not talk about this again", I just rolled my eyes. It sucks because this has been a show that up until that moment, has been pretty unpredictable. Same bro. I've replaced my porn folder with God Emperor Trump memes. When was that?! Are you serious? All four years of his entire term was spent doing that. The man couldn't even breathe without CNN on his back. Were you living under a rock? Then why did you ask? No. Season 1 was the best. Just fold. I guess that only works if you accept vecna is a formidable foe. The dude is a copy and paste of Freddy Krueger. Once you can see it, it becomes meaningless. They went from making this show a love letter to D&D and Lovecraft, to turning it into an 80s slasher. The show is complete garbage now. Not to mention Vecna is a complete carbon copy of Freddy Krueger and not even an original idea. They ruined the show. I don't even care about season 5 anymore. The show leaked after season 2. I'll pretend that three onward don't exist. Its Netflix. A rock could be gay. In this overly sensitive woke cesspool of a society? Yeah. Wouldn't hurt. The person that made this thread complaining about it, is not me. Take a second to look at our handles. It clearly isn't just me that noticed it. Then how was there no mention of him anywhere in the show up until season 4? It wasn't the mindflayer when he came upon it is what I'm saying. He arrived in the upside down, saw the big swirly dust cloud that was caged in Russia, and then decided to make it into a giant spider. That was it. All of the "powers" that we thought were thanks to the mindflayer, were really Vecna in control. The Mindflayer was rendered completely meaningless this whole time. You mean the same show that took a steaming shit on the Steve/Robyn romance without any foreshadowing leading up to it for nonother reason than to virtue signal to their audience? Or the same show that took a perfectly normal quiet, introverted child and made it so that the reason he was "weird" is because he's secretly in the closet? That show? You're right. Its totally me and not at all the writers that made me think that. These days theres more shame in admitting that I'm a liberal thanks to nutcases like you making us look bad. I'm not conservative. I'm just normal. Friends who care for eachother don't gaze into eachothers eyes for an opening to make contact like they did. Its two against one. You're just blind. Theres no reason for this amount of shoe-horning other than to accumulate woke points amongst the alphabet cult.