Gubbio's Posts

Joe is so weak and pathetic. Michael Landon was asked by Johnny Carson... One day, Joe was looking for DEAD people in the audience... One day, Joe was looking for DEAD people in the audience... One day, Joe was looking for DEAD people in the audience... It's interesting... This movie must have cost an arm and a leg to make! 😏 The Gospel according to St. Biden: Deny, Deny, Deny. Lie, Lie, Lie. YOUTUBE ??? I don't understand the Dems pissing and moaning about "saving democracy." I don't understand the Dems pissing and moaning about "saving democracy." “banjo boy” “banjo boy” Der Fuhrer is very ANGRY. Der Fuhrer is very ANGRY. I wonder what the Hypocrite/Liar in Chief will have to say tonight: The Trump Raid... Creepy looking guy. 🤢🤮 In the wake of Biden's covid diagnosis...