kermitkid's Replies

School House Rock ftw All I can think of right now is Harley Quinn I thought this was about Spider-Man. I was confused for a minute until I realized it was about jazz cabbage. Devil's Lettuce. Puff the Magic Dragon.... I am doing well. The reason for the Wish was I had a surgery in 2013 to correct an aortic aneurism. Basically, my arota was swelling and it would have exploded and killed me had I not had the surgery. I was 16. This was after struggling with heart problems my whole life. I was born with a heart condition, and it was a miracle I lived, but I've also had a heart murmer my whole life too. They told us the aortic surgery was going to be at least 6 months recovery time but I was doing so well post-surgery they said "You may be able to go home in a couple of weeks", but then they discovered I had COPD, which kept me in the hospital for a month. (Which was still shorter than the anticipated time, though). My dad submitted my name to the Make-A-Wish foundation secretly. The wish agents actually visited me about a month later on my birthday, and a year after that I signed an NDA and visited the set. (The NDA expired when Force Awakens hit theaters). I got to meet JJ Abrams, John Boyega, Harisson Ford and the people who operate the creatures and droids. I got to set foot on the Millennium Falcon, and got to see Maz's bar/castle. I saw the molded head of Rey they use to scan into the stunt doubles. (If Daisy's stunt double is doing something instead of her, they scan in the head to make it look like her. No, Daisy was not on the set.) I actually thought it was Padme in a flashback and they told me it was "a new character." After I returned home from London where the movie was filmed, I was inducted into the 501st Legion and 2 of my friends from that are going to be honorary uncles to my future children, because they are very much like older brothers to me. I was fortunate enough to meet Harisson Ford, JJ Abrams, and John Boyega on the set of Force Awakens (through Make-A-Wish. I was a Make A Wish kid a few years ago). Ford was super nice and funny, and autographed my Original Trilogy Bluray set. Boyega was totally chatting it up with us. Super friendly guy. Abrams was incredibly humble. I told him "You're this generation's Speilberg." and he replied "No. I think Speilberg is this generation's Speilberg." I met Stephen Constantino (Gamoran Guard in Return of the Jedi) at a local mall event about 2 years ago. I asked him about working with Harisson Ford and told him about my TFA set visit and he gave me an autograph. I met Josh Brolin a few days ago at a diner that happened to be in his hometown. I called him Mr. Brolin and he said "Nah, it's Josh." He was super down to earth. I told him how fantastic he was as Thanos and Cable and he was just so awesome! Is there some sort of NDA or thing I can have you sign to prove that I wrote it in the instance someone tries to steal it? I snuck out to see Deadpool 2 a couple weeks ago. I told my parents I was seeing Infinity War again. They still don't know. BWAHAHA! iZombie Invader Zim Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars Rebels Doctor Who (2005 version) Sherlock Merlin Avatar: The Last Airbender That's different. They were making fun of peoples' complaints about the princesses for the past 90+ years. It's meant to be parodic. This is explicitly anti-male. More SJW garbage. No thanks bump She keeps her opinions on gun control silent (Thank god. Other liberal celebs can't. WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR ANTI-SECOND-AMENDMENT VIEWS), so she's cool with me. 9 (The rag doll puppet movie that was Tim Burton but not Tim Burton) Nine (The other one) 2012 I was 9 going on 10 when it was 2007. There were few non-kids movies my parents would let me see. Read the first line again. These are movies I have seen. I have not seen the ones you listed. Just saying, if Jim was still alive, he never would have approved this