DoctorJuliaHoffman's Replies

LOL, Cookie! Thanks, and I'm glad to see you here! The information you've provided is very useful and much-appreciated. I love finding out about people who are film buffs and where to find rare films, books and memorabilia. This is what these websites should be about...helping each other, friendly and thought-provoking conversation, etc. You know, I saw Bette Davis on-stage in the mid-1970s on a trip to PA. She was in a musical version of her film "The Corn is Green". It was called "Miss Moffat". Bette was terrific in this out-of-town opening! It was meant to go to Broadway where it would have been a smash. Unfortunately, Bette hurt her back and the show was cancelled. Broadway got robbed!!! Thank you so much, Jennie! I was going to purchase it from Robert's Hard to Find Videos, but you've found it for a better price. :) I've seen "The Man Who Played God" and its remake "Sincerely Yours" on TCM. I was really surprised that I enjoyed the remake (although not as much as the 1932 version). I haven't seen the 1922 version. Hopefully one day.... Thanks again for being your usual marvelous self. Yes, Charlotte. Sitcomsonline ( is moderated. After you sign in, you go to "Message Boards". You select "Classic Dramas/Dramadies" and scroll down to the "Dark Shadows" option. The posts here have been transferred (archived) from IMDb. That's the reason the posts on the more general threads are pretty scary troll country. (Which is, seemingly, why IMDb shut its message boards.) Charlotte, there's a good enough amount of action on the "Dark Shadows" message boards on the sitcomsonline website. A lot of former IMDb "Dark Shadows" message boards members are there. We got robbed a day! Thanks, Charlotte. I hope this site really takes off and all of our fond friends will come chat here. Charlotte, DoctorJuliaHoffman is now present. Glad to be here. Jennie, I just sent you a Private Message on IMDb. Now, I've just joined MovieChat. DoctorJuliaHoffman is present. DoctorJuliaHoffman present.