Pennywise's Replies

i think you observed well my friend,because youre right worst movie of the year i couldt get by the second half of the movie,what a crap.i fasforwarded it. Killing of a sacred deer is an AMAZING movie,how did you like it? wow,i was just about to post the exact same thing. yesterday i saw The killing of a sacred deer and it was a really good movie. just now i wached Mother,its total shit. very annoying movie even. second half of the movie is the worst. i cant remember the last time i saw a movie THIS bad! dont believe this fake review,the show sucks. you should watch it,also quality show! Carrie Coon that sitcom was hilarious,one of my favorites!i have all episodes. corny but funny! they should have stayed with the beautiful season one theme. best episode of the season. only annoyed to see the same actress who is also in The leftovers. couldnt they get somebody else?? yes you're right,its better this way.Its part of the mystery.. i just got annoyed because i'm waiting 3 years for this allready;) thats fucked up man! i checked imdb yesterday and it said 10 episodes! i usually prefer character driven shows or movies, and BB was a nice exiting mix of character development and action. i think the fargo movie is also brilliant. so i think maybe its because of those brilliant actors like billy bob and steve buscemi and that the stories of the movie and s1 appeal to me more. and perhaps because they were a bit more mysterious?i think that plays a part also. season 1 is as character driven as 2 and 3, but the difference for me is that in season 2 i dont care for the characters and their boring dialoques. and i think BB and BCS are both brilliant;) with the piano?yes thats beautiful. like the intro of season 1. this movie is very stupid and boring. waste of time. the walking dead , game of thrones , suits, orange is the new black, the americans are the weak ones from the list. totally agree. its a quality show and my favorite right now. and when its slow at times,it doesnt mean its boring like some say. i like slow in this show! yes!hallelujah!! as long as the truth is out there,they have to continue it! i too loved season 1,but i hated season was boring and not interesting,so i stopped watching after eps 6. i got bored as well on the first eps of season 3,only the last 10 minutes i liked. better call saul is my favorite show at the moment!