Satan2016's Replies

The ghetto is flat, so the rest of the world must be too? Change your name to BooB! Nope, human. Didn't you see her 👂? This is a detailed scene summary and review. REVIEW: “Vulcan Hello” and “Battle at the Binary Stars” [url][/url] US only: [url][/url] International: [url][/url] Hardcore fans watch the trailers and read fan sites. You seem to be a troll. I've seen the new Klingons, ships, uniforms months ago. CBS now 8:48 EDT: That says Netflix starts midnight EDT. Tvmaze says 8 EDT (half hour ago). Starting now on CBS! Interesting review of episode 1.03. Which is irrelevant to the OP on different crime rates. Typical snowflake, always offended! Good interview. Q: Do you feel there’s a segment of the American population that Hollywood has ignored or forgotten? A: I know they ignore them! Just watch what’s on TV. Look at the crop of television shows coming out and tell me who they’re trying to interest. It’s a very small group that thinks it knows what’s best for the rest of us. ... There’s a huge fan base of people out there that don’t need to have opinions shoved down their throat. They have their own opinions ... Derp! Great opinion piece on liberals leaving the cult because of SJWs. § One who articulates this best is Dave Rubin, a married gay man and former left liberal whose show, The Rubin Report, has explored the red pill phenomenon. In his commentary, “The left is no longer liberal”, he explained his own disillusionment with the “regressive left,” whose “backward ideology” of identity politics “puts the collective ahead of the individual. It loves all of its minority groups to behave as a monolith. "So if you're a true individual—meaning you don't subscribe to the ideas that the groupthink has attributed to you based on those immutable characteristics—you must be cast out.” Rubin calls this mindset “the biggest threat to freedom and Western civilization that exists today.” One of his recent guests was Cassie Jaye, producer of the The Red Pill” documentary, which chronicled her personal journey away from feminism. Jaye had intended to make a feminist film about the men’s rights movement. But her perspective began to change upon interviewing activists, who were anything but the angry women-bashers so often portrayed by the mainstream media. Instead they were men—and also women—concerned about issues such as unfair child custody laws, pregnancy fraud, and even domestic violence. It turned out that men are also victims of domestic abuse perpetrated by women with surprising frequency. Jaye’s film met with immediate resistance from radical feminists, who trolled her online while she was fundraising for the film. Her documentary has been largely ignored by most of the mainstream media. But it has had widespread impact on the Internet. Fri: critics 46 from 38; users 7.0 IMDb 7.5 from 6200+; 50 reviews Another example of out of touch critics. It played TIFF 12 days ago. Plenty of reviews but no discussion? Good review with background facts. There's no excuse for not doing space scenes on location! IMDb: Zoe Saldana was born on June 19, 1978 in Passaic, New Jersey, to Asalia Nazario and Aridio Saldaña. Her father was Dominican and her mother is Puerto Rican. Bullshit! Just enough Democrats swung to elect Trump. Many stayed home. Tweet of a "spice mine" image, which suggests the Kessel Run. Will they include the "12 parsecs" goof?