NorthernLad's Replies

I hope so! I hope they cremate him! lol Amazing opening for the show! Loved it! I thought that was him. I guess they just wanted someone to sing that song. Doesn't look like it. Wondering where to discuss the show? Anyone know? I just started watching the show. I thought, "Hey...check it out Katey Sagal is really rockin' this show." Then someone told she was married to the creator of the show and then I thought..."Oh...well that's why she got such a huge and central role." At least she got a chance to shine...but let's face it...she wouldn't have got that part if it hadn't been for her husband controlling the show. Watching the show now for the first time. I'm knee deep into season 3 and I'm NOT liking it. Season 2 was great...better than season 1. But this entire connection to Ireland in season 3 is just dreadful. And I won't begin to describe how awful it is that these bikers all went to Ireland while their bail was being revoked...and Gemma skipping out of the country for a week...just to go to Ireland...very contrived. Hope the show gets better again. I can't wait to get my hands on a Bluray copy of it. Hope they load it with lots of extras. And still going strong. Damn what a mess! lol She's loathsome. I just started watching the show and I liked her at first. But over time the show made her a more and more deplorable character. She really is no better than Frank...but at least Frank is funny. Debbie tries to trap a guy by getting pregnant...then has the kid and instead of getting a job, steals strollers from people and sells them to other people. She just gets worse and worse. Awww you're upset. It's cute. lol!! That's Sugar Buns to you. Get it right. Yeah...well that didn't happen. The Mummy didn't hurt her either. lol Awww...that's cute. Troll. Don't know too much about Cheetah...but I hope they avoid her honestly. There's just something kind of cheesy about her...for lack of a better word. Oooo you got me good! lol Nah...he's trolling.