Episode 4

Some hella good acting between the 2 leads in episode 4. This series just kicked up a notch.


Was it? They acted the same they always were. Rick is all intense and yells. Michonne is stoic and quiet.

Rick was so annoying. Few minutes in and I stopped trying to understand why he refuses to go with Michonne.

This show is creatively bankrupt. They cant even create material for 6 episodes. They simply don't know what to do. So for 4 episodes they are on the same plot - Michonne begs Rick to go home with her. He refuses because somethng-something. Even after everyone thinks they are dead.

It's so idiotic.

My favorite part was when he didn't even care to ask how his kids are doing. Specially when he found out he has son. And I fast forwarded a little. But did Rick even once asked how his people are doing? Who is alive from his gang? Because we know that many people died.


He did ask about his people moron, it happened off camera


Oh, my bad. You were there off camera with them and heard it yourself?

What I remember that Michonne herself in this episode told Rick that he is so obsessed with staying that he didn't even asked about his own son after she told him he exist. She was shocked by his ignorance and not caring.


Rick was in a shocked state of mind when she revealed he had a son. Also, he had been brainwashed and indoctrinated into the CRM over the course of nearly a decade. It took him a while to snap out of that and find his inner Rick Grimes again. I think he's been doing a great job with that. Great episode, as was episode 5. We’ve never been this privy (via dialogue) to who Micchone really is(and was) prior to the ZA. It’s cool to see their personalities and interaction.
