My review

I saw King Richard (2021) today. Directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green, the film tells the true story of Richard Williams and his daughters, tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams. Will Smith is wonderful and is almost certainly going to win an Oscar for his performance. There are other strong performances here too and a very good screenplay. King Richard is a crowdpleaser and an enjoyable movie. My only quibble is that it is a little too long,especially the final tennis match toward the end,which starts to feel anti-climatic. With that being said, I would not be surprised if King Richard is nominated for best picture. I would consider it one of the top 10 films of the year so far. My rating is a 9/10.


Nice review. Agreed on all your points. Loved this.


TRUE story, eh? Just like The Conjuring is based on TRUE events.
