No explanation

The stowaway accidentally gets left somewhere in the launch vehicle, and ends up getting shot into space with the crew. Okay, that could happen I guess. But somehow, without any explanation, he is inside the space station (or whatever it's called), trapped inside a ceiling space, with a panel screwed on holding him in. How the hell did that happen? It makes absolutely no sense. Other than that, I liked the movie.


"Are we ready for launch?"

"One of my technicians, who was working inside the spacecraft, hasn't reported back yet and is missing since yesterday...... screw him, I'm sure he'll pop up somewhere. We're ready!"


Yeah, but that's not an explanation of how he got from the launch vehicle into the station, then got enclosed in a ceiling space with a cover held on by screws that are on the other side from him.


I saw your point. Just added another illogical one.

The answer to both is simple, I guess, lazy writing.


It's a valid question, but my explanation would be that the launch vehicle was also a module that got attached to the larger spacecraft.
