Best episode?

I thought episode 2 towered above the others, with a genuinely creepy atmosphere, interesting characters and excellent use of its single location. Dolly Wells was very good here.

Claes Bang is a fine actor but about the most unthreatening Dracula one can imagine, which didn't help sustain this always watchable but patchy series. He wasn't very scary, and too smug to be charming.


I would say all episodes were quite good.

But first is my favorite by far.



2nd - refreshingly different from the first, and that sort of Agatha Christie murder mystery and set up feel was well done.

1st / very scary and gory but otherwise somewhat typical.

3rd seemed to have lost it's drive a bit. Liked the ending and spin of his final purpose.

Claes Bang Was excellent. His very charming and trusting demeanor, coupled with this inhuman menace, was a refreshing spin on the character.

And Dolly Wells blew me away. I am a fan of hers, now :)

