MovieChat Forums > Batwoman (2019) Discussion > Lesbian ‘Batwoman’ Fights for Social Jus...

Lesbian ‘Batwoman’ Fights for Social Justice ...and Not Much Else

By Lindsay Kornick | October 6, 2019 11:20 PM EDT
Batwoman, featuring the first lesbian superhero lead on television, is the latest comic-book series adapted by the CW. Unfortunately, following in the footsteps of Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman also is annoyingly preachy and obsessed with social justice. Even worse, it’s not even fun about it.


That's pretty much why a lot of new movies and tv shows (particularly the crappy re-boots with "minorities" as the leads) are a bust. People are not interested in having these stupid political messages shoved down their throats anymore, and are voting with their feet. That's why viewership for crap like this is in the toilet. Just ask GayBC if you have any doubts about how bad things have gotten for them.


Supergirl, also on CW is another one that just preaches way too much. Some of what they preach is so stupid too. Like how they push for tolerance of the aliens. Ummmmm... the aliens don't belong here!! I know it is a metaphor for mass immigration but again, they don't belong here and Supergirl herself is an illegal immigrant.

To be honest I don't really care if the lead is gay in real life or on screen or if they are a "minority" I just don't want it shoved in my face. "Oh, look she's a lesbian, she must be great!" Ummm the show sucks. "You're just homophobic!" yeah the show still sucks.

Magnum PI tried it with a Latino in the lead role, he looks wrong, not because he is Latino but because he just looks wrong for the role. And Asian Watson on Elementary, but then even white Sherlock looks wrong on that show.


That's another peculiar trait I've seen on tv; you've got people complaining about Cultural Appropriation, and yet what do you see on tv? You see them "stealing" original franchises from the past, that had traditionally white [sometimes male] main characters, and then inserting minority characters into the roles or even changing genders of characters, trying to look original when they actually aren't. Then they add in a lousy SJW re-write of the original scripts, and then advertise the living daylights out of it.

It's like, what, you couldn't come up with anything original yourself, so you're gonna take all our favorite older tv shows and re-make them into your own weird image? That'll go over like a lead balloon, and it already has. 10 years down the road, people are not gonna remember any of these ridiculous re-written or re-booted tv shows/movies, other than how much they loathed them. And yet they'll still remember the older shows fondly, despite their age.


Yeah I agree it only works one way. Why can't they just create their own female/non white/odd sexuality hero? Of course we know why, it's culture and population replacement.

Look at awards shows like the Emmy's they keep dropping in the ratings because of the politics and also because less and less people are watching what is being made.

I agree, and it doesn't matter if they reboot old ideas with white people in the roles either. Reboots of Dukes of Hazzard also sucked.


Unless there's a scene with her licking Cat Woman's butt I'm not interested.
