Looks Amazing!

So I'm usually behind the times with gaming systems and only bought a next gen console a few weeks ago. Doom 2016 was my first game and wow, was it good! I almost want to play again to slow it down a bit! I had some small issues, here and there, but at least some of them already look to have been fixed in the new game! For instance, the environment wasn't as scary as it could have been (I think back to Doom 2, my favorite before this, and think of the cyber-hell feel of some parts of levels along with the "random" dead bodies being hung in places as a demonic decorative pattern and felt that this was clearly lacking here). The new sets look amazing. Second, I actually wanted more NPCs running around or being hauled off to hell / "processed" in hell. At least we do have some in the Quake Con video!

Can't wait!


If you haven't, get it!
