MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Slackly written, directed, and photograp...

Slackly written, directed, and photographed...

not the utter dreck it might have been, but not particularly good either.

On the plus side, we had John William's noble "Obi-Wan Theme" and Ewen McGregor reliable as always as Obi-Wan.


not the utter dreck it might have been, but not particularly good either.

This is the cinematic equivalent of boning Blake Lively today, after she's welted three pups, as opposed to getting that kill when it was still relatively fresh back in the late 2000s-early 10s, in other words. Pity


My reaction to this was similar to my reaction to Solo: A Star Wars Story: kind of cheap-jack looking, cobbled together fan-servicey story, with little of the energy and deft pacing of Lucas-era story-telling, supplying a back-story we simply didn't need.


The Luca-era is immensely overrated anyway. Aside from A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back(the former of which was saved via Brian De Palma's sagacious editing, and the latter wasn't even directed by GL), everything ROTJ to the prequels rums the gamut from mediocre-downright shit. We've come to expect superbness out of this franchise, despite the fact that it's always been little more than comfort food. It's odd that so many of us are surprised that a TV show centered around a supporting character like Obi-Wan isn't anything to right home about


Have to agree, that one-two of New Hope and Empire really just allowed the Star Wars name to coast on those gems. But I'd argue most IP's have done this, Terminator, Predator, Aliens, Rambo, etc. Also, there's still been a hit in there or two afterwards (i.e. The Mandalorian, Rogue One).
