MovieChat Forums > Catcalls (2017) Discussion > Eh, I Thought it was Alright

Eh, I Thought it was Alright

For a 9 minute short, because whether you know it or not that’s what this is just a 9 minute short that I saw on Shudder. Perv Irish guy driving in his car comes upon two girls walking alone in the road & calls one of them with the pretense of asking for directions. Well she comes & he flashes her with his you know what out, she’s shocked, he laughs & drives off.

Turns out the girls aren’t exactly human but catlike creatures or something like that. Well you only see one of them in this short. They go after said guy, one of them shows up on his doorstep pretending to be in distress so his wife takes her in & winds up getting killed for her trouble. Then of course she goes after Mr. Pervo & takes him out. Don’t mind me spoiling this, because more often than not, it’s not like you’re going to see it after all it’s only a 9 minute short & not a full movie so what’s the big deal?

What’s debatable about this is whether the guy deserved to get killed for what he did & his innocent wife also got murdered, so these 2 girls aren’t innocent by any means & who knows they’ve probably been killing people on the regular anyway so no need to defend them. Girls are kinda nice looking, nice little short. If your’e on Shudder look it up, otherwise don’t sweat it.


He shouldn’t a done that


Well Capnbucky, that’s par for the course. Hindsight is 2020 as they say. There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t have done either & probably you but we don’t deserve to get hunted down & killed for them. At least I hope not but that’s the plot I guess.


Yeah, killing him seems an overreaction 😂 But it's horror!


I really have a problem with her killing the wife who was a beautiful human being. That just goes to show that they weren’t anyone to root for. They have to have been stone cold to do that, who knows what else they’ve done.

The tagline for this is “They are also out hunting tonight”. Meaning ok this weirdo was looking for girls to flash but they were already out to kill whoever for whatever, probably for nothing. If all he did was only ask directions, what are the chances they wouldn’t have decided to track him down & do the same thing anyway? So there are no hero’s in this.


But he dropped trow.
